Month: June 2019

Earth Letters

The death is without doubts a figure that fills of fear and uncertainty to us. When it leaves revealed in the distance of letters of the tarot, no consulting one seems to feel to taste, and the single vision of this arcane one wakes up the most ingrained fears of our personality. Will happen something bad or to some dear being? Somebody is going to die next? Calm, it thus does not have why to be. This so linear interpretation of the meaning of all the arcane ones is an error that the tarotistas little experienced or amateurs usually commit. Who is experienced in the reading of letters knows that the tarot is much more that a code that says to certain letters certain interpretation corresponds univocally. In the case of the death, first that prevails it is a pormenorizacin of the rich meaning including in the illustration of the arcane one. In order to begin, diverse illustrations exist that are applied this arcane one. Nevertheless, to the aim of accounts, the general meaning is the same.

In some mallets the Death is illustrated like a powerful Gentleman, who it comes to announce that the present order of the things will finish in the very near future. As we see, there is no reference to direct deaths, mainly if the letter does not leave inverted. The Gentleman who advances in his horse says to us that the things we know as them finished, are a new government, and new rules, and we will have to adapt with speed to this new ordering, if we do not want to perish. The king is dead, lives the king. In other versions of the Death, we directly see the popular figure of the Sparing one, the human skeleton with its sickle, cutting the buds that arise from the Earth.

If we watched carefully I bring forth, it they are small human heads, slanted neither or appear of the ground. In this case, the Death approaches more the Biblical figure of the Apocalypse, the aim of a earthly cycle to pass to a state superior of the things. But we will not have to fear, because one is a beneficial change for the consulting one. In both scenes it is clear that one demands a great quota of meekness and sacrifice on the part of the consulting one, that, like a humble farmer, will have to bend the head and knowledge to be useful what provides to him the destiny. The message, really, announces changes, great mutations, inevitable transformations like the same death, but it knows them to the person to accept and to capitalize this situation to its favor, will leave beneficiary. The letters of the tarot have the wisdom to always leave a door open so that the extra-sensory ability of the tarotista can find the interpretation final.

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Coruna Man

Respect the electorate unavoidably leads to the last respect also the Republican or democratic candidate who is presented in upcoming elections North American. And it is that Bush is taking international politics at your own risk, without counting with the American people, that was who voted you. Our man in question has made a big mistake to say that there is a single war on terror, since the enemies around the world are diverse. And it is well easy: If a journalist tries to lecture at a Conference on foreign policy United States.UU. in relation to Israel, perhaps not you can carry out. A few simple phone calls will be strong enough for such a Conference is not pronounced. We are coming to a limitation of the largest of the freedoms that man can enjoy: freedom of expression. Call this: television, radio, press, Internet not however, since man exists, and sad is to recognize it, the technical and economic advances have arisen as a consequence of the wars.

But on some occasions, not many, the latter have been defending a cause fair. Sometimes, thinks one man struggles to fight, by boredom and this is paradoxical, because the fear of death is inherent with the man since he was born until his death: a short or long period of life. Peace and prosperity can bring war, famine and unemployment will bring it with current capitalism which reduces a person to a mere product of changes and strip. But Mr Bush has elevated the concept of war to the category of necessary and justified – for the economic good of us.UU-, throwing for land that, quite simply, they wage war beasts and fighting men when their lives of their peoples, are in danger.

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United Nations Hunger

The report of Oxfam International emphasizes the importance of two conditions for leaving misery: active citizens and effective States. Thesis that refutes the idea that the development of the poorest countries depends only on what do rich countries. It is the absurd theory that developing countries are at a stage towards the development, when, in reality, underdevelopment is a byproduct of an unjust and inhumane development model. All of this in is there future in capitalism?, Dominican sociologist Frei Betto argues that modernity is in crisis because we live, not a time of changes but a change of era. According to FAO data, he says, we are 6.5 billion people on the planet, of which half live below the poverty line, and 854 million survive with chronic hunger. Nothing indicates that they will comply, until 2015, the Millennium goals of the United Nations, among which is the eradication of the misery. There are who asserts that the problem of hunger is caused by excess of mouths and he is supporter of family planning because it respects the freedom of the couple.

Before the thesis of lack of food, he argues that the world produces enough to feed 11 billion mouths. There is a lack of Justice, excessive concentration of wealth in few hands, and now ethanol to supply vehicles instead of food to feed people. But Frei Betto cannot ignore that the population explosion is a weapon of mass destruction, such as hunger. History shows that, in countries where women have access to education and jobs equal to those of men, there is danger of population explosion. On the contrary, countries rich, industrialized and educated sociological North, the problem of the increase in their aged populations has unleashed all its alarms, though they dare not to recognize that only with a proper immigration may face that threat. Do not dare to recognize that because they live obsessed with a pathological individualism. Hence, Frei Betto wondering if there is a future for humanity within the capitalist paradigm. The answer lies in the same question. Because the new paradigm consisted of falling into the account that there is no paradigm, but yes requirement of a fundamental social justice for all beings.

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