Now however, the hypertrophy-militarization this closely associated crisis (part of) the decline of the State expressed by the withdrawal of its integration capacity (declining social security, prevalence of elitist culture in its centres of) decision, etc.), the degradation of the infrastructure and a chronic fiscal deficit and increasing which has resulted in a huge public debt. If we refer to the last four decades the fiscal surpluses are a rarity, since the 1970 deficits were growing up at the beginning of 1990 to very high levels, however Clinton said goodbye at the end of that decade with some surpluses that observed from a long-term approach appear as ephemeral events. But since the arrival of George W. Bush deficit returned reaching unprecedented figures: 160 billion dollars in 2002, 380 billion in 2003, 320 billion in 2005 there’s who as a result of all this expose also, if USA and Europe fall into recession at the same time and oil continues to rise by the beginning of the decline of production the world recession is assured. All economies in crisis, the consumption falling, exports falling worldwide, falling, industrial productions the construction plummeting, unemployment increasing worldwide global recession will cause consumption of petroleum and energy in general lower worldwide, which in normal circumstances would make oil come down in price, but the circumstances are exceptional and it is that world oil production will also fall, and not by lack of demand but by exhaustion of wells. This will not lower oil prices and the recession does not end. With small oscillations the situation will remain more a situation of constant recession decades and decades. In addition we must not forget that food is transported with oil and is credited with fertilizers from petroleum and other hydrocarbons, with what food skyrocket price representing increasingly a greater part of the shopping basket and becoming increasingly less money for other industrial products and services.

It will be a step backwards towards an economy increasingly less industrial and more agricultural. It will be the end of the countries industrialized and industrializing countries. Within 50 or 70 years all over the world in a basically agricultural economy. All as Africans now, with oil as a luxury for the wealthy and for Governments and their armies. Definitely drew Beinstein, the immensity of the disaster in progress, the extreme radicalism of ruptures that can engender, far exceeding that caused the crisis that began circa 1914 (which gave birth to a long cycle of attempts to overcome capitalism and also to fascism, I try of barbaric recomposition of the bourgeois system) generates spontaneous reactions denial of reality in the dominant elites, conservative social spaces and beyond them, but the reality of the crisis is imposing. The entire building of ideas, of certainties of different sign, built over more than two centuries of industrial capitalism is beginning to crack.