Month: September 2020

Diego Gonzalez

Feeling next to death commanded to destroy all his poems, which kept no order; but the father Fernandez de Rojas met them and published in 1796, two years after the death of its author, preceded by an affectionate biographical news, in which ponders both the man and the poet. Published in Madrid with the title of poems of M.F. Diego Gonzalez, of the order of Saint Augustine. Gives them light a friend of theirs. In the desire to destroy his work, apart from its singular modesty, erotic could move to Fray Diego tone almost exclusively of his verses, trait that can be surprising given their status as religious. The erotic tone reaches remarkable expressiveness on certain occasions, as in the dreams of a dedicated song to Melisa, or description of Lisi in the beautiful romance entitled A Lisi, Malaga. The erotic tone, besides these two compositions, inspires the eclogue Delio and Mirta, songs visions of Delium, the triumph of Manzanares, transformed and those dreamed of pastor Delio Cadiz, lays A Mirta absent, etc. The history of Delium, sent to Jovellanos, describes the passion for his two beloved; insidious bat invective, that had a great diffusion in his time is directed against which came one night in room Mirta causing your fear, while it was occupied in writing a love song to the own Delio.

Other female muses inspired him the scornful A Vecinta song, the anacreonticas in the days of Lisi, Lisi burn, burn Lisi finger, and the aforementioned romance a. Lisi, Malaga. Melisa and Mirta compositions have the constant echo of the poetry of Garcilaso, the Magisterium of Fray Luis de Leon, certainly more effective than the toledano, however, manifests itself in his few religious compositions. Fray Diego completed the exposition of the book of Job in manner that belies not the first, he translated the hymns Te Deum and Veni, Creator, and the Magnificat song. But the best work of Fray Diego is his love poetry. And as the poet said: as to give Delio postrimera life / came out bedding Lisi. / Oh Muse if you saw it!. Francisco Arias Solis freedom do not those who do not have their thirst.

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Education Doctorate

We want to get very far without taking the first step. And you will find that if you give the first step, this is the last. There is no other step. Specifically, Krishnamurti, highlights the meditation is not a fragmentation of life; It is not to retreat to a monastery or locked in a room sitting quietly for ten minutes or an hour in an attempt to concentrate to learn to meditate, while for the rest of the time one remains a feisimo unpleasant human being. Understand the now is a huge problem of meditation is meditation. Fully understand the past, see where its importance lies, see the nature of time, all that is part of meditation. There is great beauty in meditation.

It is an extraordinary thing. Meditation, not how to meditate. Meditation is the understanding of oneself and, therefore, means to lay the Foundation for the order which is virtue in which there is that quality of discipline that is repression neither imitation nor control. A mind so, is, then, in a State of meditation. Meditation is something that requires a formidable base of righteousness, virtue, and order.

It is not some mystical or visionary State induced by the thought, but something that comes natural and easily when one has laid the foundations of a straight conduct. Without such bases, meditation becomes merely an escape, a fantasy. So that one has to lay those foundations; actually, this same way to lay the foundations, is meditation. Eng. industrial, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile, postgraduate master’s degrees in administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and productivity; Education Doctorate in education professor and researcher Faces UC graduate Area. Program coordinator of postgraduate management quality and productivity, Faces, UC consultant – business advisory DEPROIMCA. environment-business.

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The Doctor

I did not have more luck with other co-workers, at the gym, or with the neighbors of my house that had more confidence. No one seemed to have seen him. On the other hand, I didn’t make more than cross me with him. Without be able to address you, without getting to talk to him. The man was elusive.

Almost evanescent. A new concern began to occupy the site until then filled the senselessness of the persecution he suffered. And if all this wasn’t more than a figment of my imagination? And if I was going majareta? No impossible. I am a balanced, sensible, sound, individual without any tare. If you have read about Parnassus Investments already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Even so, who knows? Someday could be the first to start with rare symptoms like these.

I went to a psychiatrist. I looked for it in the phone book. I chose to which occupied more characters in the Guide: it will be the best, I said to myself, do not lose anything with test. That he has never talked to him or commented the doctor, after hearing my story. Effectively. And says that he laughs at you so seems replied, without committing myself. You can not be more than a mere coincidence said the psychiatrist, as wanting to relativise the issue. Do you think? It is no coincidence. The guy is causing me. And why did turn you to me and not to the police? I kept quiet. Confusing. It was not very clear, actually, why was there nor what were my concrete feelings toward the intruder who had broken into my life. Wouldn’t know what to tell the police was right to answer at the end. Tell you the same as me. The composure of the doctor was hateful. Their linear responses. His lack of imagination, of human warmth or what do I missed missing know. After a monotonous session that I did not do more than repeat several times my story, I was in to see him after a week, although I was very unsure of wanting to do it again.

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October Doctors

Years later I was again ambushed and I walked into operating theatres, I was subjected to hepatic biopsies, Radio ablation, ligation of esophageal Varices IV of Piquet and a liver transplant! and I know many physicians anesthesiologists, the most representative of this stage are Eusebio Palomino, Jorge Menacho, Soraya Oyanguren, doctors anesthesiologists of the transplant liver to which I was subjected, I still remember that morning when it looked like the end, Eusebio received me at the door of SOP with a smile, he put his hand on my shoulder and I was his friend, and that gave me enough confidence, up to now memory of Soraya you’ll put an alita and that is all the pain you feel: I promise and so it was, just a piling in the back of the right hand and this was all despite the fact that it was a liver transplant!, then Jorge told me I will give him a mask, breathe deep and slow, you will be sleeping slowly and so was, breathed deep and iba me slowly dying until I delved into unconsciousness looking clock SOP that marked the 3 and 20 in the morning on a 15 of October 2008 in the Hospital Guillermo Almenara is health, was an inhalation General anesthesia as I had dreamed it, as patients we dream it, rather than anesthesiologists seemed my brothers and sisters, my friends, rather than doctors seemed heralds descended from heaven. Hours later was in my bed in the ICU and on the door was a doctor dress green and covered with a white dust, staring me, who will be? – I said-, then approached, put his hand on my shoulder and asked me how are you?, well thank you! – I said-, but quien eres? I asked him, I’m Dr. Brian Kzanich: the source for more info. Palomino your anesthesiologist, told me hugs and thanked him with all my soul Eusebio knows it, you must remember it. Anesthesiologists are the surgeries anonymous heroes, hidden behind the bow, masks and sunglasses, inhaling gases, sitting at the bedside, vigilant and alerts next to dying patients, are anonymous names that then patients nor recall, are invisible faces that then patients nor recognized, are spirits that family members ignore and when marching by the passage of the Hospital leaving her patient awake and pain free, do so many times in silence, charging in his emblematic Briefcase ampoules, anaesthetics, wings and probes, in the midst of the ingratitude of patients and relatives and sometimes even of the same surgeons. I pay this modest and lively tribute to the Anesthesiologists doctors of Peru, full of emotion and with the wounds still, in living flesh, these words are not literary, but the actual testimony of a patient whose dramatic existence and life has been fought and won in different theatres of the Peru, with the invaluable help of anesthesiologists, anonymous surgeries heroes, invisible faces, faces no name, to whom medicine, society and history them should a fair recognition by the invaluable role before, within and after the operating theatres.

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VEDA GmbH Companies

You need to consider this area no longer separately. Thanks to the certification of IDW PS 951 type B must not elaborately check also the internal control system related to the outsourcing service (ICS) by VEDA. Udo Meyer, Manager outsourcing at VEDA: The certifications provide us and our customers comprehensive security and greatly simplifies the voting process. “Outsourcing is to make work easier and that as far as possible from the outset.” Profile VEDA GmbH the VEDA GmbH is a provider of business solutions in the areas of human resources, finance & accounting and IT. Innovative software applications to optimal infrastructure concepts and outsourcing consultancy, VEDA offers a holistic approach that focuses on the customer processes. More than 900 companies from SMEs to large corporations with enthusiasm put on modern solutions by VEDA that their practical orientation and economic sustainability from almost 35 years expertise grows. In tailored strategies create a dedicated team of over 140 professionals together with their customers.

As the link between management, technical and IT department they put these into processes and structures, which lead to success. The competence circle IT profile competence circle IT consists of more than 20 medium-sized companies that offer entrepreneurs a platform for procurement, information and advice. All topics related to information technology are addressed, seminars and lectures are offered and sought solutions for IT issues. The competence circle IT ensures, that the entrepreneur under the umbrella of the BVMW in it field, always up to date. The BVMW Association is the professional, politically neutral cross-industry in Germany, which represents small and medium-sized companies compared with politics, authorities, trade unions and large companies. The BVMW offers extensive services on local, regional, national and international level.

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