Month: January 2014

Municipal Public Servers

The floor does not refer the state or municipal public servers and nor to the pensioners. The readjustment considered for the governor Jose Mountain range was of 12,22%, making with that the minimum wage pass of current R$ 450,00 for R$ 505,00. The first band takes care of the domestic workers, maids, fishing, messengers, workers of the field (known as diligent farming and forest), continuous, assistant of general services clerical, laundrymen, ascensoristas, motoboys, used not-specialized of the commerce, workers of mines and quarries, or workers of movement and manipulation of merchandises and materials that do not belong the unions. The value of readjustment considered for the second band was of 11,58%, passing of current R$ 475,00 for R$ 530,00. The second band takes care of to the professionals who work as agricultural and forest operators of machines and implementos, machines of the civil construction, mining and to cut and to cultivate wood, mailmen, dyers, professionals of beauty hall and centers of embelezamento as: manicures, pedicures, barbers, others.

They also contemplate this category: salesmen, dressmakers, bordadeiras, estofadores, masons, workers of preparation of foods and drinks, manufacture and confection of paper and cardboard, workers of tourism services, workers of protection and personal security guard (that they are not part of regional unions), waiters, collectors of collective transport (that they are not part of regional unions), barmen, painters, plumbers, soldering irons, chapeadores, mounters, ceramists, vidreiros, fiandeiros, teceles, tingidores, jewelers, workers of tanning, clerical silversmith, operators of machines, digitizers, operators of telemarketing, attendants and comissionrios of services of passengers, workers of the net of electric energy and telecommunications, masters and foremen, marceneiros, mechanical workers of usinagem of metals, adjusters, mounters of machines, operators of installations of chemical processing and supervisors of production and industrial maintenance. Obs.: In some regions unions exist and collective conventions of these categories, of which, they will be able to practise different So Paulo minimum wage of the considered one for the Government of the State of So Paulo. The third band goes of R$ 505,00 for R$ 545,00, that they are represented by the following professions: agricultural administrators (farming and forest), workers of services of hygiene and health, heads of services of transports and communications, supervisors of purchases and sales, agents technician in sales and representatives commercial, operators of station of radio and TV, of equipment of sound equipment and cinematographic projection and technician in electronics. The readjustment of this category was inferior to the national wage-minimum, the proposal was of 7,92% of correction index. Source of the information: Secretariat of the Job and Relations of the Work, being able to be also consulted the site Approximately 85,000 house servant will be benefited with the increase. For return of almost 1 million of people who do not count on support of collective agreements of category. 50 million for month more in the pocket of the So Paulo worker are R$, who will help to restitute the loss of purchasing power of the period.

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The Moor

And accepting in part, be responsible, he proposed a kind of revenge for the Moor assaulted. Bowing a bit of an advantage: he asked the left hand tie them in the back of his body and put him fourth ten minutes alone with the Moor, "my uncle said that under these conditions would give an opportunity for revenge Moor . The request without hesitation, immediately accepted by the Arab chief. Solomonic decision, the Moor was aware there was only one of the brothers who gave him the beating he had tested the strength of his fists and anything in the world was going to repeat the stupidity of another beating. He began to mourn, cried my uncle saying he was a madman who was going to kill.

There was no need for more, my father and his brother were acquitted of charges and blame, the Moor was punished a few days in prison. Never knew him. My father has one of the generals was married to a beautiful woman, she was a blonde bombshell. On many occasions she was seen as unfair behavior with another officer. My father did not dare say a peep, but there was something that required him to distance himself from the general, realizing it, sent for him.

David, what happens, anything is happening to you? Evaded the issue addressed, but the military with many more flying hours rebuked, I guess your attitude should be at my wife and asked, "is about my wife? So my general! AhhhHijo learns that things in life we are given little by little. And it must be formed to evaluate them. AMA's worth eating a marshmallow half, which sucks for a only! Another time I spoke of the six enemies that he and two of his assistants cocinaa were arrested. Going to the river without arms, to wash the clutter and collect fresh water. Enemy soldiers, tired, hungry, tired and aware that the end of the war was imminent, without firing a shot, surrendered, that was cause for laughter and prizes to the three were given merit award. As on another occasion when the driver of the truck by not having the necessary experience, misjudged a street, my father was standing at the rail of the door, jumped and broke a tooth. (Wounds of War) Years after the war, when my father having some wine with those good friends unknown Spanish bars. a l reported that an opportunity coming to a town had to seize a mare, required to deliver an urgent part to an officer in the war zone. Remes. com Lulu. samuelakinin com. Ning. poetasdelmundo com. is

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Mining Net

The mining entrepreneurs, cautious conservatives and, are having a support for the tools that could be determinative in its future. We speak of competitiveness and productivity, the company, independent its size cannot do without these conditions. The TIB is an allied of weight already for some segments, and will be for all in very next future. In the Sixties this axiom of that was brother-in-law ‘ ‘ miner works in silncio’ ‘. He can have functioned for much time, can function for the politics, but in the age of the information and the society of the knowledge it can be anachronistic and useless. The miner must show its talent, to dare more. When somebody could imagine, that the governing are of hands given with the productive sector, third sector first and entities of classroom, both placing resources and spreading the tools to become our more modern, productive and competitive companies?

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Metal Stamping

Cold forging is a metal forming with the help of special tools – dies. The stamp consists of two parts: top and bottom, is placed between the material being processed. Giving material the desired shape is achieved in that the upper part of the stamp is putting pressure on the material placed on the bottom of the stamp, and makes him take the form of cavities of the stamp. The pressure produced by the press, having a moving slider, which is attached to the movable part of the stamp. Since the work is done without heating the metal, then this method of stamping is called cold stamping. The working parts are die punch – upper punch and the matrix – the lower part of it.

Punch attached to their tail slide in the press, and the matrix set and still fixed on the table press. Cold forging is widely used in various industries industry. By cold forging manufactured large and complex parts such as automotive frames, as well as small items, such as arrows for instruments and watches. Technical advantages of cold forging is the ability to: 1. perform complex operations through the press blows 2. receive interchangeable parts of the same size 3. get very complicated product shapes that are difficult to produce by other means, 4. reduce the number of operations and simplify the production process 5.

create a strong but lightweight construction products, consuming a small amount of material. Economic benefits of cold-formed metal: 1. economical use of the material with a small quantity of waste, 2. high-performance press, greatly exceeding the performance of other types of equipment, 3. easy to operate presses, 4. low cost moldings.

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The Companies

The crisis is between us. It is in the reporter, in the colloquies of bar, the cupola of the companies. But it is mainly in the numbers. Either for pointers of insolvency, unemployment, growth of the industry or projections of the GIP, she is through the numbers that we understand the real face of the crisis. Two research carried through for the FGV and divulged in February and now in April helps in to understand them which is the impacts in the Brazilian society and as the Brazilian comes reacting it.

The two studies in common have the cold analysis of the displacements that are happening in the social classrooms and on how much Brazil it empobreceu since the end of the last year. We go to the numbers. The inaquality aumentouA Brazilian social inaquality, in fall since the beginning of the decade, moved of trajectory with the aggravation of the effect of global the economic crisis on the country, since last October. Used as reference to mensurar the concentration of income of a society, the index of Gini arrived the 0.571 in February, after having reached floor of 0,560 in 2008 middle. The index varies of zero the 1, being that zero represents igualitria distribution and 1, the maximum concentration. The undertow of janeiroO year of 2009 started with an abrupt reversion in the growth of the middle class – including classroom C, the popular middle class – that characterized good part of the government of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. Only in January, classroom C in the six bigger regions metropolitans of the Country lost 11% of its growth in the government Squid. In the month, a total of 563 a thousand people fell of classroom C for classrooms D and in the regions metropolitans of So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Recife.

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