The crisis is between us. It is in the reporter, in the colloquies of bar, the cupola of the companies. But it is mainly in the numbers. Either for pointers of insolvency, unemployment, growth of the industry or projections of the GIP, she is through the numbers that we understand the real face of the crisis. Two research carried through for the FGV and divulged in February and now in April helps in to understand them which is the impacts in the Brazilian society and as the Brazilian comes reacting it.

The two studies in common have the cold analysis of the displacements that are happening in the social classrooms and on how much Brazil it empobreceu since the end of the last year. We go to the numbers. The inaquality aumentouA Brazilian social inaquality, in fall since the beginning of the decade, moved of trajectory with the aggravation of the effect of global the economic crisis on the country, since last October. Used as reference to mensurar the concentration of income of a society, the index of Gini arrived the 0.571 in February, after having reached floor of 0,560 in 2008 middle. The index varies of zero the 1, being that zero represents igualitria distribution and 1, the maximum concentration. The undertow of janeiroO year of 2009 started with an abrupt reversion in the growth of the middle class – including classroom C, the popular middle class – that characterized good part of the government of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. Only in January, classroom C in the six bigger regions metropolitans of the Country lost 11% of its growth in the government Squid. In the month, a total of 563 a thousand people fell of classroom C for classrooms D and in the regions metropolitans of So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Recife.