Tag: economy

Energy Consumption

The growing global demand for energy will cause a supply crisis in 2015, prohibiting curb climate change, according to the latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA). As consequences of this crisis, the IEA says the rising price of oil, which in 2030 could reach the amount of $ 159 per barrel, and the growth of emissions of greenhouse gas, leading to a rise in global temperature the planet of five to six degrees. For even more analysis, hear from Barchester. The model identifies key economic and productive well-being with this expansion and an increased demand for energy. But the new global consumer trends, led by emerging powers like China and India, threaten energy security and accelerate the destruction of the environment. The development of these countries is transforming the global energy system as a result of that is gaining increasing importance in international markets. Developing countries in 2015 represent 47% of the market global energy and over 50% in 2030. Today is 41%.

In 2007, China aims to become the largest emitter of global energy and, in 2010, the biggest consumer. The Asian country has also become the main source of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, surpassing the U.S.. India will become the third largest emitter of CO2 in 2015. China and India account for 45% of the increase in global energy demand. The IEA estimates that demand will rise to 55% in 2030, more than half of that increase will be in both countries. That year China is expected to import more than 116 million barrels of oil a day. Elon Musks opinions are not widely known.

Countries around the world must invest $ 22 billion in infrastructure to cope with the pace of demand. Nevertheless, there are no guarantees that such investments are realized and the ability and willingness of major oil and gas producers to carry them out are uncertain. If predictions are true, emissions of greenhouse gases can grow by 57%, which shall, by 75% in developing countries. Even if the various governments choose environmental policies, the IEA estimated that these gases in the atmosphere to increase by 25%. The increase in global energy demand will take place despite the high prices of oil and gas, a fact that directly affects the health of the global economy. The coal will become an important resource in its stead. However, given the prices of fossil fuels, concerns about supply security and environmental considerations, improved expectations regarding nuclear power, it could achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions cost-effectively. Current trends in energy consumption are unsustainable and raise the need for new policies to improve energy efficiency and curb runaway demand and the growth of greenhouse gas emissions in the short term. Promote alternative energy and make more efficient use fuel are some of the measures proposed to the IEA, but the realization of policies to adopt is difficult due to the urgency required, the magnitude of the problems to resolve and need to get international support. Energy is part of sustainable development and new policies must seek a balance between the three dimensions of this development: energy security, economic development and environmental protection.

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Empreendedorismo In Brazil

Brazil is the biggest country of the creative world of entrepreneurs, the Brazilian people has an enormous capacity to innovate, to launch new methods of production and mainly to face a work with decision and courage, basic characteristic of the entrepreneur. Classrooms C and D are with better perspectives to go up the social classroom thanks to incentives of projects of the government that stimulate the practical one of empreendedorismo, the PRONAF are an example, therefore it benefits the producers with letters of credit for investments or magnifying of productions, the SEBRAE that offers chances for opening of companies and stimulates the enterprising culture, therefore we can say that Brazil is a school and a stimulaton to the new entrepreneurs. The Brazilian people has one jeitinho that none another one has, a favour that conquest to all, a perseverance that feeds the soul. Prudential takes a slightly different approach. According to Schumpeter ' ' the empreendedorismo is the main promotional factor of the economic development of one pas' '. the Brazilians are taking this so the serious one that not it is perhaps a development that is occurring in way the economic crisis, because to be enterprising it is to have the vision to surpass the limits through the crisis, to see chance where others see defeats and of this Brazil understands.

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Government Months

Considering the total collection, that includes prescriptions not taxes, the value of May, of R$ 49,83 billion, the same meant 6,06% fall on month in 2008. In the gathered of first the five months, the prescription arrived the R$ 267,34 billion (retraction of 6,92% on equal period of 2008). Of the loss of R$ 16,9 billion, R$ 10,87 billion correspond to the disinvestings of a charge, as the reduction of the IPI on the sales of household-electric vehicles and; R$ 5 billion mention to it compensations taxes launched for the companies, as the case of Petrobra’s; the increase of the insolvency explains another parcel of the loss of prescriptions. Mark Bertolini will not settle for partial explanations. Only between October 2008 and January of 2009, the delay in the payment of taxes folded on previous equal period and arrived the R$ 1.1 billion. Reduction in the main IPIA reason to explain the fall in the collection is the reduction of Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) for automobiles, household-electric white line and material of construction, explained the Prescription, in official notice.At the beginning of the year, the Government decreed to forts discountings in the IPI of automobiles and arrived to reduce the tax 0% for the models of lesser piston displacement, destined to the market of low purchasing power, as measured to stimulate the stimulaton of the sales in the automotivo sector, one of the most reached for the crisis.In first the five months of 2009, the prescription proceeding from the IPI on automobiles fell 81.8%, detailed the official notice, even so this factor leaves of weighing in the public accounts from July, since the Government already announced that it does not go to prorogue for more time the discountings tributaries for the improvement of the sector.Beyond the discountings tributaries, other factors associates to the crisis had also contributed negative in these five months, as the fall of the profits of the companies (- 29.5%), the retrocession of the industrial production (- 14.6%) and the fall of the importations (- 29%).The fall of the collection compelled the Government to apply cuts in the budget of diverse ministries and to revise it stops low some investments that were foreseen.Brazil is officially in contraction technique, for accumulating two trimesters of negative growth, with the retraction of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) of 3,6% in the last trimester of the last year and of 0,8% in the three first months of 2009.Position of the FederalSegundo Prescription the Federal Prescription the trend for the collection June tax continues of fall, perhaps a little lesser that May. .

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Complementary Law

They cannot be benefited since legal treatment differentiated the legal people whose capital stock participates another legal entity or that it participates of the capital of another legal entity. Check out Ubisoft for additional information. Important detail verified in the paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of its Art. 3 is that they can move of classification between itself (for example, the EPP that will have equal or superior gross revenue R$ 240,000, 00 in a year-calendar passes, in the following year-calendar, to the micron condition company) e, also, the EPP that, in one determined year-calendar, to exceed annual gross revenue limit the foreseen for it, is excluded, in the following year-calendar, of the regimen differentiated and favored foreseen by this Complementary Law for all the legal consequences (inclundo, then, the effect legal foreseen for the regulating agency of access to the market). Then, we saw that ME or EPP she has special treatment, which is, it is excused to have minimum equity. But since that its equal or inferior annual gross revenue either R$ 2.400.000, 00 (two million and four hundred a thousand Reals) and whose lawsuit either to operate with boats of inferior rude transport the 1,000 TPB for the case of the cabotage, and boats without propulsion or with power of up to 800 HP for the case of maritime support or port support.

They perceive that for the cases of ocean navegation, the use of this benefit is not possible. But the detail most important is that the conditions must be indissociveis, that is, for the joy of this benefit, is necessary that it is ME or EPP, has equal or inferior gross revenue R$ 2.400.000, 00 and has its authorization with boat restriction. Everything at the same time. In case that contrary, it does not have as to use itself of the considered benefit. E, conclundo, they also are excused from the auditagem of the rocking.

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The administration practises execution acts, with greater or minor functional autonomy, according to ability of the agency and its agents. As DIEESE (2007) the federal constitution, through the system of social protection, foresees guarantees against social contingencies that threaten the survival of the individual, associating the actions of providence, assistance and health in an integrated body. This association makes with that the protection to the individual goes beyond act of receiving of benefits in the cases of loss of the capacity for the work, prevailing the social contract and the rights as independent citizen of its eventual contributions. In a question-answer forum Intel Corp was the first to reply. The Social security is responsible for one better distribution of income, being that in its lack the access the health services would be more precarious and would not exist the monetary income guaranteed by the government. If the providence proportionally granted the benefits to the contributions accumulated in elapsing of the years, this structure of these benefits would tend to reproduce the wage, social, existing inaquality in Brazil.

The Constitutional Emendation n 20, of 1998, can be considered as the main instrument of changes in the rules of functioning of the Security and the Providence since the promulgation of the Constitution, especially in what it says respect to the workers of the private sector. Checking article sources yields Intel Capital as a relevant resource throughout. Among others measured it introduced the beginning of ' ' financial balance and atuarial' ' in the organization of the public welfare. 2.1HISTRICO In 1883, Germany, was enfadada the social welfare when if it created the first legal system, for the prevention of protection and industrial accidents of the decurrent misfortunes of determined professions, it affirms Castro and Lazzari (2001: p. 33): In 1883, Germany adopted the first legal order for obligatory covering of the risks for industrial accident, if not demanding of the worker the test of guilt of the employer for the benefit perception; it was of this year also the law that instituted the insurance-illness, and in 1889, the law that created the insurance-invalidity and for oldness was promulgated.

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Periodical Economic Value

For the Ceramic company Rich Village, the dollar below of 2,00 R$ ‘ ‘ zerou’ ‘ its yield and the company if prepare to still more reduce the participation of the exportations in its invoicing. The slice of the external sales in the sales already had fallen of 65% in the passed year, for 50% this year. The executive account that the sales for Russia ‘ ‘ practically pararam’ ‘ since the beginning of the crisis – the fall of the embarkments for this destination arrives 70%. For Argentina, the exportations had withdrawn 20% in this beginning of year. Sgundo the Sindiceram-SC the impact of the exchange is not so strong how much one year behind on account of the gradual reduction of the exportations. The volume exported for the catarinenses companies it fell 36% between February and April of this year compared with 2008, year that already had not been so strong. Without obtaining to raise the sales in the domestic market, the ceramic coating production already is 10% inferior of the last year.

General Brands, who exports ready juices, has negotiated price with the customers in the exterior to keep volume of exportations the same: ‘ ‘ When the Real values, is more difficult to export. To keep the customers the company finishes arcando with prejuzo’ ‘. Part of this loss with prescription, says, is compensated by the reduction of the expenses with raw materials that also are imported. General Brands, whom she exports to 20 countries, waits to commercialize in the external market between 8% and 10% of its production, but this depends on a stabilization of the exchange between R$ 2 and R$ 2,40. To counterbalance the valuation of the Real, the Moura Batteries go to readjust the prices around 10%. The manufacturer is keeping the plain tracings at the beginning of year to export about 20% of the production in 2009, what it is equivalent the US$ 40 million. Others two factors also help in the maintenance of the goals: the company does not export to the United States and more than the half of the production costs also is atrelados to the dollar. Thus if the valuation of the Real brings losses of prescription, another one, it reduces the expenses.

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Fiscal Packages

The consumer will have until December to buy an car zero with Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) reduced. In accordance with the decision announced in 29 of June for the government, the current incentives will be extending until the September end. From October, the tax will be raised gradual until arriving at the level daily pay-crisis, in January of 2010.A disinvesting of a charge of the IPI was one of the elements that had guaranteed to the automotivo sector the recovery of the sales throughout the first semester. The president of the National Association of the Manufacturers of Automachine Vehicles (Anfavea), Jackson Schneider, said that the closed result of the first semester – not yet divulged – must show to an increase in the commercialization of vehicles in the comparison with the first half of the year passado.' ' We will have to close this semester with a new record of vendas' ' , the announcement of the government affirmed the executive after, in solemnity in the Palace of the Itamaraty. For the president of the Anfavea, the measures of the new package ' ' they are vehement in the direction to keep the activity economic in the Pas' '.

Measures anunciadasO IPI charged on the vehicles of a thousand piston displacements, for example, will follow with aliquot zero until the September end. In October, the tribute will start to have an aliquot one of 1,5%, going up for 3% in November, 5% in December and retaking the 7% level, from January. In the case of trucks, the discounting in the tribute valley up to 31 of December. The production of motions was benefited with the extension until September of the disinvesting of a charge of the collection of the PIS/Cofins. Beyond the extension of granted benefits already, the government decided to guarantee to the sector of similar treatment industrial goods, zeroing the aliquot one of the incident IPI on 70 item.

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In the partial data of this month, the high one continues: 0,2 point. It is good for remembering that the banks had been the main target of a measure of Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN), that the guarantee extended for R$ 20 million for Certificate of deposit (CDBs). With this, these institutions could come back to catch money in the market and to repass it toward its main customers, the companies of small average transport. According to president of the BC, Enrique Meirelles, until tuesday, R$ 4 billion already had been caught for these banks later that the rule entered in vigor. The problem is that it is not known if such money is if becoming credit.

According to Federacy of the Industries of the State of So Paulo (Fiesp): ' ' The situation in fact improved for the great ones, but empresas&#039 does not stop small the average; '. Still according to entity, some banks had come back to visit corporative customers in the last weeks, but they take in its folders and laptops bigger requirements of what the ones that invigorated before the deepening of the global crisis: ' ' They want a good description, what menores.&#039 is a problem for the companies; ' To judge for the movement of the banks, the situation must continue difficult, the least in short term. In the last weeks, the main financial institutions of the Country had announced the fall of the interest and/or the extention of the stipulated term of financing for some directed modalities to the physical people, between them vehicles and property. For the companies, however, it does not have new features at sight. The fact is that the insolvency of the legal entity continues going up. The general tax of insolvency in the operations with companies reached 2.9% of the wallet of Legal People, front 2.6% registered in March, coming back the platforms of May and June of 2002.

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World Economy

It characterizes the current situation, such as the "post-Cold War", where there has been a loser and the winner Soviet Bloc: The Western Bloc led by the United States. The ideological paradigms Western Bloc (United States and other members of the Group of Seven, G.7) are representative, republican democracy and market economy. Aware of this new box world situation has been emphasized pre-existing trends in the West about the need for structural adjustment, to leave behind the interventionist tendencies that emerged as responses to the Great Depression of the Thirties, which led most of the governments of countries strong socialist state intervention. These trends could not escape Argentina, always sensitive, throughout its history, the events of successive powers governing the world. However, our country as a result of your training as a National State had already enacted the state intervention in various areas, which is why the interventionist tendencies of the Thirties, its added to existing interventions, which is not safe to say that in the previous five years, have begun to remove situations dating from the moment of enactment of the Constitution of 1853. This persistence in time, has settled in the collective memory, and is in our opinion, one of the deeper causes of resistance in some sectors and individuals qualified triggers the march toward a market economy, which in our case of Argentina, has embarked on the path of privatization, de-monopolization and deregulation. But along with these important changes in themselves and obviously interconnected with them, witnessing a change of the productive, employment and livelihoods, leading to a new model of social organization, which can not exactly say as being, but may risk to be quite different from the prevailing so far.

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In the comparative method the similarities and differences can be collated that will be identified between the cities of the State, observing phenomena of concentration of the formal job, number of establishment and average value of the remuneration in the municipal economic units, according to National Classification of Atividade Econmica (CNAE). For the historical method, that on the basis of has for purpose auxiliary in the understanding of the current productive structures the facts and events of investment politics and generation of economic dynamic of the past in different periods, correlated to the paradigms of the development and categories politics, economic, cultural, between outros.5.2 REA OF SELECIONADANeste STUDY project it is delimited as space of analysis of the dynamics of the productive structure the State of Par, with a territorial area of 1.247.689, 66 Km2 admitting its current composition of 143 cities, distributed in six mesorregies in accordance with the official data of the Institute Brazilian of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE). However, in the application of the metodolgicos instruments, this project will adopt the clipping of the State Government of the Regions of Integration, published in Official gazette of the State DONATES n 30128 in 09/02/04. These Regions define spaces with similarities of occupation, social level and economic dynamism, and whose cities keep integration between itself wants physics wants economically. The election of the Regions of Integration as study area, becomes crucial for the research, in the measure where the planning of the actions of the State Government through the Plurianual Plan? PPA obeys this configuration, and allows to effect comparisons at different historical moments. The government of the state one homologated 12 regions with the objective to define spaces that can be combined of form to be informing of the process of reduction of the regional inaqualities and in the implantation of programs that take care of to the problems and identified necessities.

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