In the partial data of this month, the high one continues: 0,2 point. It is good for remembering that the banks had been the main target of a measure of Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN), that the guarantee extended for R$ 20 million for Certificate of deposit (CDBs). With this, these institutions could come back to catch money in the market and to repass it toward its main customers, the companies of small average transport. According to president of the BC, Enrique Meirelles, until tuesday, R$ 4 billion already had been caught for these banks later that the rule entered in vigor. The problem is that it is not known if such money is if becoming credit.

According to Federacy of the Industries of the State of So Paulo (Fiesp): ' ' The situation in fact improved for the great ones, but empresas&#039 does not stop small the average; '. Still according to entity, some banks had come back to visit corporative customers in the last weeks, but they take in its folders and laptops bigger requirements of what the ones that invigorated before the deepening of the global crisis: ' ' They want a good description, what menores.&#039 is a problem for the companies; ' To judge for the movement of the banks, the situation must continue difficult, the least in short term. In the last weeks, the main financial institutions of the Country had announced the fall of the interest and/or the extention of the stipulated term of financing for some directed modalities to the physical people, between them vehicles and property. For the companies, however, it does not have new features at sight. The fact is that the insolvency of the legal entity continues going up. The general tax of insolvency in the operations with companies reached 2.9% of the wallet of Legal People, front 2.6% registered in March, coming back the platforms of May and June of 2002.