Being 42.9% of the problems related to the standard of quality and commercialization 13.1% related the legislation and management in the small enterprises. Although all the difficulties presented above, according to Lima and Wilkinson (2002) the economic viability of the agricultural family and its support, depend on the diversification of the economic options in the agricultural way, requiring the promotion them necessary knowledge to the development of activities and services not agriculturists. 4. METHODOLOGY the data of the present article had been collected through information by means of interviews in lease in the properties and questionnaires applied to the familiar agriculturists of Guaraniau, who are participating of the course ' ' Management of the Artesanais&#039 Units; ' of the Program University without Borders, developed in the classrooms of the UNIOESTE – Campus Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 Rattlesnake, for professors of the course of Administration. 25 properties had been visited and applied 25 questionnaires. The difficulties had been detected through the visits and interviews in the properties.

Already the profile of the agriculturists was detected through application of a questionnaire with five closed questions, where the interviewed ones only could choose one of the alternatives. The data had been treated in percentage. For elaboration of the development of this work a deepening of the subjects searched: familiar agriculture, familiar enterprises in agriculture and difficulties related to these enterprises. 5,1 DIFFICULTIES OF the SEARCHED AGRICULTURISTS the familiar agriculturists of this study, 100%, produce agricultural foods only for the consumption of the family, reselling only the excess, being that 96% develop activities not artisan agriculturists or alimentary products, to obtain an extra monthly income, to take care of the too much necessities of the family. Some examples of activities parallel bars the agriculturists, of the agriculturists of Guaraniau, state of the Paran, are: manufacture of cheeses, inlaid works, candies and compotes in general, products of panificao, creation of animal-da-silk, hmus of earthworm, commercialization of products of hortifruticultura.