Month: May 2016

Understanding Culture

AFTER ALL WHAT IT IS CULTURE? Etmologicamente the term culture comes of the Latin that it means to cultivate the ground, to take care of. It is a concept initially studied by the anthropologists in the direction to assign all complex and the metabiologico one created for the man. In this direction, it is mentioned practises and social actions that follow a standard determined in the time and space. It is mentioned, also the beliefs, behaviors, values, institutions, rules and norms that permeiam to identify a society. We can perceive two basic conceptions of culture: the first conception sends to all the aspects of a social reality of the human being, that is, it says respect to everything what it characterizes the social existence of a people or nation. Second it is mentioned more specifically to the knowledge, the ideas and beliefs of a people, as well as the ways as they exist in the social life.

However, both the conceptions presented here take many times the one that if understands the culture as a reality stanches, stop, this can finish taking the one that if the culture thinks as something finished, closed, estagnado. From the displayed one, we defend the conception of that the cultures human beings are dynamic and that the main advantage to study them is for understanding that it is party to suit of transformations that pass the societies contemporaries. Then, we can define culture in you vary forms: culture while a dimension of the social process, the life of a society, culture while a historical construction, either as conception, either as dimension of the social process, culture while current territory of the social fights for a better destination. Thus, to argue on culture always implies to argue the social process? description and politician well concrete. The main characteristic of the culture is the call adaptativo mechanism, that is, the capacity to answer to the way change of habits in accordance with. Moreover, the culture also is considered a cumulative mechanism, in this vision the modifications brought for an operation can the following generation, in way that the culture it is changedded losing and incorporating some important aspects.

Following still the dynamic idea of culture as something, as adaptativo and cumulative mechanism, we can understand that the culture suffers changes. Traces if lose, others are added. In this direction, we can identify three basic aspects that allow the cultural change: the intervention or introduction of new concepts, the diffusion of concepts from other cultures, the discovery that is a type of cultural change originated by the unknown revelation of something for the proper society and that it decides to adapt. All change causes a resistance normally, since the aspects of the life are on between itself and the minimum alteration of only one of these aspects, can cause to effect in all the others. On the other hand, this resistance the change can represent an advantage, in the direction of that only really beneficial and significant modifications, will be adopted by an individual or society. We can identify great cultural diversity in ours society contemporary, this allows in them to initiate a reflection on as to deal with these different cultural dimensions a society, leading in consideration the importance of the medias of mass, the fights of social classrooms them to know, popular and erudite, and the social changes, among others aspects that influence direct or indirectly in the culture of a people.

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Low Yield

In the agroindstria the coffee farmings are distinguished, cacao, sugar cane-of-sugar and mamona. In relation to the culture of coffee in the Region it passes for cycles of ascension and fall, that has as factors among others the drawn out variations of price and estiagens. The sugar cane-of-sugar produced in the Region does not present great expressividade in relation to the State production, but dinamiza the income of the small producers due its use in the manufacture of cachaa and feeding of the cattle. The producing areas of cacao in the Region are presented relatively steady, however the production present a decrease mainly for the problems faced for this farming throughout the time. The cattle bovine is sufficiently expressive with a good number of heads, meeting spread, in the forms of cattle of cut and of milk, this activity was benefited by the climatic conditions and of the relief that if present as favorable for its development.

However the creators practise cattle extensive of low yield and the contrary to the current productive standards, that present high degree modernization. The suinocultura appears as the second expressive activity in the cattle place, however as well as in the too much pecuaristas activities not yet has a production directed toward integration in complex productive chains. In the poultry keeping already the viabilizao of this production with the use of technologies is perceived and an half-integration with the agroindstria, however the production does not take care of the domestic market, that is supplied in part for the production of the Center-South of the Country. The goatone already appears in some cities of the Region, however needs estruturao to attract greaters investments. The farming one still incorporates two other activities: the beekeeping and the piscicultura. The city of Brook of the Plaza if fits of the point of view of the human and economic development as one of poor of the Southwestern region of the Bahia.

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