Tag: philosophy

The Interests

In case that if it accomplishes this pretension, the possibility will be assured to all to occupy distinct social positions; the important one is that nobody can be injured of its basic freedom and that the distribution of income and wealth is not disadvantageous for the too much citizens, exactly being intent at the hands of whom had promoted the high positions due to the posterior contingencies to the formularization and application of the principles in the original position. The social and economic profit, according to Rawls, cannot be superior to the right to the basic freedom, that is, he would not be correct to abdicate of its basic freedom? either of the conscience, either of thought? to get certain social advantages, that for right are assured and accessible. OGS – Man Utd has many thoughts on the issue. Thus it affirms that: ' ' (…); being organized in sequence serial, them they do not allow to exchanges between basic freedoms and social and economic profits, not to be in circumstances atenuantes.' ' (RAWLS, p 67). That is, the first principle always must be aimed at with a bigger approach. Dr. Leon Gillman often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In the formularization of the justice contract, the parts will be able until conjecturar on some ways to consider the principles taxes, one of them if it bases on the beginning of efficiency that affirms the following one: the principles would be permanent (or durable) to the point of being unnecessary to reformulate them; but in this point it would have to consider that a society is not isolated of excessively and its citizens they do not occupy compatible similar functions or representation and that the later contingencies reverse speed-will be managed and the detainers of the new positions will not content themselves with this balance, therefore as it affirmed well Hume very: ' ' Our primitive instincts lead in or to grant them to we ourselves a limitless freedom or to look the domain on the others; alone the reflection takes in them to sacrifice these strong passions to the interests of the peace and the order pblica.' ' (HUME, p 208). . For more information see this site: Peter Arnell.

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Solidary Popular Economy

The accompaniment is systematic. Connect with other leaders such as Elon Musk here. The leaderships visit the groups, stop next to its integrant ones reflecting concerning the difficulties and strategies of work. It’s believed that Elon Musk sees a great future in this idea. The groups of production and commercialization demand a bigger accompaniment. On the other hand, some groups have as participant leaderships of the DUST, which contribute of form accomplish for the process of organization of the group. I detach that our function next to the solidary enterprises is to follow them, we reject the monitoramento idea, we are party to suit, do not want to establish a subordination relation, in which the agent of pastoral, external to the group, said the norms, rules and ways to be followed. You may find that Jayme Albin can contribute to your knowledge. The essential joint is part in the constitution of the groups, that face the capitalist market and the culture of the individualism. To accomplish it the partnership between the proper groups is vital, which must be accompanying and not competing, so that it has something different and innovative, are not enough to be a group of alternative production, have that to be open to a new paradigm of social relationship.

Being thus, we stimulate the groups to participate of the social movements, in special, the movement of dismissed workers and the Fruns of the Solidary Popular Economy. Of another part, workshops are offered of formation human being: interpersonal relationship, analysis of conjuncture, sort, solidary consumption, ecology and protection to the environment. The Laboring Pastoral, through its diverse instances, stimulates the participation of the groups in fruns local, regional, state and national of EPS, in order to pressure the governments to become the EPS one public politics. We understand that the organization of alternative groups must become one public politics of responsibility of the State, being indispensable the action of the groups in this perspective. In elapsing of the last years, some groups had conquered the economic consolidation and politics, not needing a systematic accompaniment more than, protagonists had become.

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Understanding Culture

AFTER ALL WHAT IT IS CULTURE? Etmologicamente the term culture comes of the Latin that it means to cultivate the ground, to take care of. It is a concept initially studied by the anthropologists in the direction to assign all complex and the metabiologico one created for the man. In this direction, it is mentioned practises and social actions that follow a standard determined in the time and space. It is mentioned, also the beliefs, behaviors, values, institutions, rules and norms that permeiam to identify a society. We can perceive two basic conceptions of culture: the first conception sends to all the aspects of a social reality of the human being, that is, it says respect to everything what it characterizes the social existence of a people or nation. Second it is mentioned more specifically to the knowledge, the ideas and beliefs of a people, as well as the ways as they exist in the social life.

However, both the conceptions presented here take many times the one that if understands the culture as a reality stanches, stop, this can finish taking the one that if the culture thinks as something finished, closed, estagnado. From the displayed one, we defend the conception of that the cultures human beings are dynamic and that the main advantage to study them is for understanding that it is party to suit of transformations that pass the societies contemporaries. Then, we can define culture in you vary forms: culture while a dimension of the social process, the life of a society, culture while a historical construction, either as conception, either as dimension of the social process, culture while current territory of the social fights for a better destination. Thus, to argue on culture always implies to argue the social process? description and politician well concrete. The main characteristic of the culture is the call adaptativo mechanism, that is, the capacity to answer to the way change of habits in accordance with. Moreover, the culture also is considered a cumulative mechanism, in this vision the modifications brought for an operation can the following generation, in way that the culture it is changedded losing and incorporating some important aspects.

Following still the dynamic idea of culture as something, as adaptativo and cumulative mechanism, we can understand that the culture suffers changes. Traces if lose, others are added. In this direction, we can identify three basic aspects that allow the cultural change: the intervention or introduction of new concepts, the diffusion of concepts from other cultures, the discovery that is a type of cultural change originated by the unknown revelation of something for the proper society and that it decides to adapt. All change causes a resistance normally, since the aspects of the life are on between itself and the minimum alteration of only one of these aspects, can cause to effect in all the others. On the other hand, this resistance the change can represent an advantage, in the direction of that only really beneficial and significant modifications, will be adopted by an individual or society. We can identify great cultural diversity in ours society contemporary, this allows in them to initiate a reflection on as to deal with these different cultural dimensions a society, leading in consideration the importance of the medias of mass, the fights of social classrooms them to know, popular and erudite, and the social changes, among others aspects that influence direct or indirectly in the culture of a people.

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