Knowing to hear is an important tool for the reach of these objectives, in it can benefiting in them of form that: always we will be well informed; we will better evaluate the reception of the message; we will use the time better; they are prevented badly-understood and allows the individual if to express, making possible the attainment feedback which in them indicates the way for the maintenance and improvement in the systems of administrative results, formal and human. In administration terms, the leadership is a form to alleviate and to humanizar the work that is demanded with the people, of efficient form. Some they consider it authors until as ‘ ‘ arte’ ‘ , of form that nor all obtain this favorable mediation and results, contrasting the concepts of property and dependence. The thermometer to measure a good leadership is in the fact of the followers to reach its potential, reaching resulted objectified and meets still motivated. Consideraes Final: The leadership is a conquest and an imposition, not noticing in true leaders who these already bring in the conscience, the impossibility of the escape of the existenciais contradictions of the life human being, possessing an ample vision, if not closing to the feelings and conflicting and contradictory ideas, engaging the work voluntariado in the involved people in the work, knowing to say Thanks a lot in the end!