Tag: education

Autism And Inclusive Education

The inclusion of autism carriers is an innovation, whose movement has aspect very controversial in the educational and social ways, however, to insert autistas pupils of any degree, in regular education, is to guarantee the right of all to the education. The effort of psicopedagogo is concentrated in the direction to improve the adaptation of each child carrier of autismo in an inclusive school, aiming at the direction of the inclusion as one innovation, becoming the comprehensive one the ones that if interest for the education as one right of all. In this direction, this work objectified to analyze through a revision bibliographical, the attention of psicopedagogo in the inclusive education of the carrying child of autismo. For elaboration of such study we use the bibliographical revision, and as north for the elaboration of this scientific study, we use current books and articles scientific published on thematic the boarded one, found in the library virtual Scielo, academic Google, Lilacs enter the years of 1991 up to 2010. Hear from experts in the field like Reade Griffith for a more varied view. The Words keys, used for elaboration of our research in the above-mentioned platforms they had been: Psicopedagogia, autismo, inclusive education. Quarrel: In if treating to the Autismo, although with many common characteristics to other syndromes, it possesss identity very differentiated.

A time for possessing several dficits, the school of regular education is felt of certain form incapable to develop an inclusive education, as much for the necessity of specialized professionals, how much for the reformularization of practical its, as well as for the physical space that a necessary autista, has seen its necessities of organization routine. Soon, we have observed in the regular schools not the inclusion of children carriers of autismo in the same ones. Jack Grealish: the source for more info. In virtue of this, the inclusion if becomes an innovation whose felt he has been distorted, being therefore, very polemizado for more different segments educational and social. We conclude, therefore, that one becomes necessary a comprometedora educative action with the citizenship and the formation of a more democratic and less exculpatory society. It has a great necessity of awareness of the society in relation to the rights of these carriers of autismo, stops that the society exerts the inclusion process.

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National Curricular Lines

Such element, in the Course of Formation, has the intention to collaborate for the formation of the identity of the searching, reflective and operating professor in the society. Having the practical one of formation to be understood as space that oportunize the efetivao of the knowledge and knowing necessary the professor to problematizar pedagogical practical its, a place of knowledge production, in such a way cannot occur in way any they need to be supervised and based, thus it will only be possible to carry through the joint between practical theory and. OGS – Man Utd shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. (…) the practical one was being each time more, theoretician, that is, distanciada of the reality. Nor if could here more speech in practical as experience, as reproduction of models – that models? Where they were practical the successful ones? What it meant a professor successful? What one expected as purpose of primary education? of Normal education? Which professor was necessary? (PEPPER, 2006, p.44) the Supervised Period of training, therefore, consists in a chance it pupil to exercise the reflection, to relate curricular components and practical and of this to surpass the dichotomy between practical theory and, making possible a notion to it of the future profession. (As opposed to Peter Arnell). According to Freire (1996, p.24), ‘ ‘ the critical reflection on the practical one if becomes a requirement of the relation practical theory/without which the theory can go turning blblbl and the practical one, ativismo’ ‘.

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Brazilian State

In 2003, the federal government took one of the wisest decisions when including in the official net of education, by means of Law 10,639, the obligatoriness of thematic ' ' History and Afro-brasileira&#039 Culture; '. It’s believed that Derek Gillman sees a great future in this idea. By means of this, it is articulated, in the public and private schools, the study of the history of Africa, the fight of the Brazilian blacks, the black culture and its social and economic contribution for the formation of the national identity. Peter Arnell may also support this cause. The presence of this African inheritance in the culinria, the dance, the ethos of our people is undeniable, but the delay is unquestioned also with that the Brazilian State deals these questions. In the educative process the delay was not different different. By the way, it is in the formation of the conscience that more is used of domination instruments to alienate, to segregate and to keep definitive submissos groups to others. The education has a strategical function, as much to free, how much to submit, being the daily pay-conditional organism for the spontaneous acceptance of what it is offered (MARCUSE, 1979).

Therefore, if the education was used to construct preconceptions, it can and it must be used for the social desconstruo of the preconception and the racial discrimination. We live in a country where the miscegenation and the multicultural diversity had happened of ' ' form vitoriosa' ' , although in this process of construction of the society the blacks to contribute with sweat and remunerated work and not to receive as fruit from the physical effort the segregation and maltreatment. The educational system is based on these preconceptions, therefore it is focado in a eurocntrica vision (MUNANGA, 2006) and reproduces these values in the pertaining to school space, however denying the black contribution for the Brazilian progress, however distorting as ' ' extica' ' this contribution. By means of the folclorizao, it forms sazonal and obliqued by which the content of certain substances is given to a public-target, that the understanding of this content is limited, it becomes what it superficial, although, for ancestry, complex, diverse and including being.

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Mathematical Education

(pg.247) Client that, the domain of the mathematical languages represents one of the conditions for the pertaining to school learning, making possible to make quantitative and/or qualitative analyses, the Mathematics possess an excellent paper of inquiry, interpretation and understanding of the different aspects historical, philosophical, social and cultural, articulating with all the areas of the knowledge, including the sociolinguistics questions. Being thus, we will present a project in the direction of opportunist the knowledge of the world and domain of the nature, on the basis of the mathematical languages, creating conditions to improve its capacity to act in society, assuming concentrated permanent actions in a sustainable development for the continuity of the life in the Land. Necessities daily make with that the pupils develop an intelligence essentially practical, that allows to recognize problems, to search and to select information, to take decisions and, therefore to develop an ample capacity to deal with the mathematical activity and its proper concepts. Others who may share this opinion include Robert Rubin. When this capacity is potentiality by the school, the learning will be able to present the one best one resulted.

The conception of the Mathematical Education mathematically has for study object the education and the learning of the mathematics, propitiating the formation of citizens scholars, that is, chemical preparations to use with understanding the different mathematical languages, relating them and solving problems. In this direction, the learning in Mathematics is related to the understanding, to the establishment of relations, learning and producing meanings from the practical human being as social relation. Jayme Albin – NYC pursues this goal as well. For half of the development of the project it will be possible to still favor, programs of collective mobilization for stimulation to the recycling and utilization of materials, quantification of the results of the actions of voluntarily in the community with sights to the education and sensitization of the population, with interference of associations and representative agencies, participation in internal or local competitions who stimulate the debate and the individual awareness on the environment and the importance of the contribution of each one, the accomplishment of programs partners in the treatment of residues looking for to revert the result in benefit of the proper community, promotion of ‘ ‘ connections’ ‘ (sustainable businesses), that they preserve generating occupation and income, the miscomprehended, improving the quality of life of the populations.

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The Importance To work Contents with Projects the necessity of if knowing other methodologies of education appeared of a survey concerning the pertaining to school organization. In the development of this work, we acquire knowledge of as applying the contents, of that it forms the pupils will go in fact to understand the subjects, thus having to know the utility of what it is learned. The estimated theoreticians are of an education utilitarian, but not only epistemolgico. Whenever Danske Bank listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The work with projects is based on an alternative to complement the subjects in classroom, that already are foreseen by the professor, being searched the autonomy of the child, enclosing new necessities, choices, preferences, interests, introducing new theories, exploring new subjects, with focus in the curiosity of the child concerning Science. The congruence becomes over all in relation what it involves the school, therefore leaves of the yearnings of the child, ' ' the objective is to be frank and to evaluate the knowledge and interest of the child as for tema' ' (EDWARDS, 1999, P.

199). For Mello (1997, P. 10), an element important of the work with projects it is that the group always produces something as resulted of what was started to know: a book, a story, a periodical, a history. this knowledge will not be only with the group, having to be passed ahead. In our proposal metodolgica, they are some factors important that they had stimulated in them to work with projects, between them the work form to interdisciplinar. The interdisciplinaridade appears as one of the answers to the necessity of a epistemolgica reconciliation, what it encloses a strategy of education directed toward the overcoming of the spalling of the scientific knowledge. The especificidade of the first years of Basic Ensino is presented, of certain form, as one ' ' facilitadora' ' of the content to interdisciplinar, when we analyze education for an only professor.

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The Brazilian

Mantoan (2003, P. 24) understands that ' ' inclusion implies changes of educational perspective, therefore it does not reach only pupils with deficiency and the ones that present difficulties to learn, but all demais' '. The school it has the function to work for the overcoming of the difficulties of the child, with reverence to the diversity, and, with effect, to search to insert the different ones in regular education. Analyzing the Brazilian education, of the legal point of view, we notice the majority of the laws excluded in the proposals of the government, this if it becomes more clearly when we come across with the specialized educational promise. In our society the normative laws, decrees and do not guarantee the right of equality of the rights.

The educational politics allow the authentic expression of the human beings, but we cannot be ingenuous the point to think that with the existence of them the society will only be inclusive. The Brazilian schools are leaving to desire, are urgent that to face the change challenge. We need to acquire conscience of the educational crisis that we are facing. We cannot make of our formal meeting or informal spaces and times of claim of our pupil, of our wage or questionings of practical ours and concerns with measures for disruption of the pessimism. So that the inclusion rule carries through in the practical one, she is necessary that all the community to flow off and social has as challenge the knowledge of the educational politics that favor the insertion and stability of the special pupil in the school and the society as authentic citizen. Many when finding with problems and impediments of the daily pertaining to school, we leave to notice how much we take off advantage with them.

Everything depends on the center that if analyzes the stimulaton. We have that to face it as a growth chance, and not as a problem. The insertion points with respect to the necessity to deepen the debate on diversity. This implies in searching to understand the individual and collective heterogeneidade, differences and especificidades, and, over all, the diverse ones situations lived in the social reality and the daily pertaining to school. CONCLUSION EDUCATION OF QUALITY In the traditional school education was given of form mechanics, focado in the professor and the pupil was considered a passive citizen. He did not have schools for all. In this archetype, the professors were unaware of to psicopedaggicas the educational theories and e, in practical the pedagogical one, education was the same for all. With democratization of pertaining to school education, it makes possible a diversity of pupils registered our schools. The school was installed to take care of to other social groups e, to give account of its mission, needs, with effect, to consider the new knowledge. For efetivao of the proposal of education for all it is excellent to consider some criteria, as: the responsibility of the community as a whole in the accompaniment, evaluation and application of the public politics of the inclusion; a teaching formation that is capable to provide one practical social reflexiva, as well as mediaes that contemplate the multiple abilities of the human being. BILBLIOGRAFIA Child and development, II/educative Necessities and inclusive education. So Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010. (P. 272 the 309). Authors: Cintia Gomide Biscotte, Adriana Vaz Efsio Emanuel, Denise Rodovalho Scussel, Luciana Faleiros Cauhi Salomo and Maria Clia Borges.

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You are much better than myself seemed before. Paulo Coelho To begin, I decided to talk to you about this aspect of personal growth as the adoption. It is also called "first law of personal growth." This is one of the important factors, as more calm and happy and more successful life. Before, when I have not had time to read about it in books, but somehow he came to his intuitive understanding, I called him a "philosophical attitude toward life." And now the so-called:) But since "Acceptance" is much shorter, and we call it. So, from what they eat is to take, under what drinks they have a snack? Simply put, what is its sacred meaning? And the fact that our life goes on. All the time something happens, happens to be changing. Sometimes these events are positive, sometimes – not really, but sometimes – and not at all. What most people do when there is something negative? They are upset, outraged, angry, cursing everyone and everything.

Or just get depressed. So, just in case. Maybe help? But why is this situation? Obviously not to resolve the situation. So, the decision – it's just when you perceive something in this, it is, and say, 'So, the way it is. " Acceptance – this is not an endorsement, approval, authorization, approval, sympathy, support, assistance, protection or assistance. It is not even connected with the concept of 'love'. Acceptance – this is when you say: 'This is what is'. As long as you do not take everything you can not see the situation entirely.

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Generating Subjects

Dos Santos Knows that the contextualizao is an essential tool educational to the education process learning, and that the professor must offer one to know consolidated its pupils, in way who can glimpse the scientific knowledge in the daily one. On such aspect, Saints et al. (2010, P. 131) it affirms that: ‘ ‘ the commitment of the Chemical Education implies that the curricular construction includes formative aspects for the development of a citizenship planetria’ ‘. In this direction the organization of a contextualizao on the basis of the formularizations of xampus can facilitate the learning on the curricular contents of Organic Chemistry, more necessarily the subject Organic Functions. The objective of this work is to tell the application of a contextualizadora action with thematic ‘ ‘ Xampus’ ‘ for Ensino of Organic functions. The methodology consisted of displaying some observed chemical structures in the labels of 10 different types of Xampus, in order to recapitulate the studied knowledge already, explicitando in each one, the functional group and making correlations with its nomenclatures.

The thematic boarding was carried through in a group of 3 Year of Average Ensino, composed for 25 pupils, of the State College President Costa and Silva. For such, two hours had been used/lessons, applying themselves previous and posterior questionnaires to argue the knowledge formed for the students. The contained chemical structures in xampus had been presented to the pupils for identification of the functional group. 1. Structure of the Lauril Ether Sodium Sulphate. 2. Structure of the Cocamidopropil betana. In these composites, the main tensoativos found in the composition of xampus are had searched. In (1) it is observed presence of heterotomo (Oxygen) in the carbonic chain characterizing the function Ether. In (2) it is observed presence dasfunes amine, amide and acid carboxlico. It had significant learning on the part of the learning how much to the boarded subjects, a time that the majority did not obtain to identify the Functions before the contextualizado study. You say them of the pupils send to the satisfaction for studying Chemistry with a thematic one of the daily one:’ ‘ I liked the lesson was very interessante’ ‘.’ ‘ Now I know that Cocamidopropil Betana is a mixing function, therefore also presents the COOH (c. carbox.) and the function amina’ ‘.In this way, it is agreed to Schnetzler (2010) when says that ‘ ‘ alternative boardings allow the pupil to construct to its conceitos’ ‘. New forms of communication can influence positively in learning of the students, in this way are evidenced that the applied methodology presented significant results in regards to the otimizao of the education process learning, motivating and instigating the pupils to participate of the lesson, when approaching scientific knowledge the reality of the pupils.

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The Importance

The work that is being considered if inserts, also, in the dimension of design social, a time that perceives an intrinsic value in the sphere of the artesanato, as well as in the field of Echo, configuring designer as a social agent whom it searchs to work with the people, instead of for them. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Designer. Fashion. Support. Remanufatura.

SAINTS, Barros Ester. Teacher, graduating in Bachelor of Fashion Design: The Importance of Fashion Designer: Agent to modifier partner-sustainable ideas. s. Salvador, 2010. 59p. Completion of course work.

College of the City of Salvador. 1 INTRODUCTION present the proposal, in the modality of the research-action, aims at to work tools that they make possible to develop techniques of remanufatura and customizao in the construction of a fashion collection. It is looked, throughout this work, to construct necessary possibilities, partner-cultural changes for the knowledge and the dissemination of designer of fashion. In parallel, the proposal promotes, directly, the awareness regarding the recycling politics according to principles of the echo-design and the sustainable development. work approaches the use of the remanufatura as instrument in the creation of parts of clothes, aiming at the total exploitation of the raw material preventing the discarding. The agent problematizadores that had led to the development of this article had been questionings as: Which is the relevance of this subject? Which the importance of the Designer de Moda in the ambient support? Which the positive points of the Designer de Moda in the performance of communitarian works? In this context where we have the Petrochemical Polar region as potential giver of this secondary raw material that they are the discarded uniforms of the laborers of each company whom they compose this industrial center, as Braskem, MFX, Norton, Odebrecht among others. Semester these uniforms are substituted by another new, in this phase are made the donation of this discarded material to the Program Table Brazil SESC

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Knowing to hear is an important tool for the reach of these objectives, in it can benefiting in them of form that: always we will be well informed; we will better evaluate the reception of the message; we will use the time better; they are prevented badly-understood and allows the individual if to express, making possible the attainment feedback which in them indicates the way for the maintenance and improvement in the systems of administrative results, formal and human. In administration terms, the leadership is a form to alleviate and to humanizar the work that is demanded with the people, of efficient form. Some they consider it authors until as ‘ ‘ arte’ ‘ , of form that nor all obtain this favorable mediation and results, contrasting the concepts of property and dependence. The thermometer to measure a good leadership is in the fact of the followers to reach its potential, reaching resulted objectified and meets still motivated. Consideraes Final: The leadership is a conquest and an imposition, not noticing in true leaders who these already bring in the conscience, the impossibility of the escape of the existenciais contradictions of the life human being, possessing an ample vision, if not closing to the feelings and conflicting and contradictory ideas, engaging the work voluntariado in the involved people in the work, knowing to say Thanks a lot in the end!

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