In 2003, the federal government took one of the wisest decisions when including in the official net of education, by means of Law 10,639, the obligatoriness of thematic ' ' History and Afro-brasileira&#039 Culture; '. It’s believed that Derek Gillman sees a great future in this idea. By means of this, it is articulated, in the public and private schools, the study of the history of Africa, the fight of the Brazilian blacks, the black culture and its social and economic contribution for the formation of the national identity. Peter Arnell may also support this cause. The presence of this African inheritance in the culinria, the dance, the ethos of our people is undeniable, but the delay is unquestioned also with that the Brazilian State deals these questions. In the educative process the delay was not different different. By the way, it is in the formation of the conscience that more is used of domination instruments to alienate, to segregate and to keep definitive submissos groups to others. The education has a strategical function, as much to free, how much to submit, being the daily pay-conditional organism for the spontaneous acceptance of what it is offered (MARCUSE, 1979).

Therefore, if the education was used to construct preconceptions, it can and it must be used for the social desconstruo of the preconception and the racial discrimination. We live in a country where the miscegenation and the multicultural diversity had happened of ' ' form vitoriosa' ' , although in this process of construction of the society the blacks to contribute with sweat and remunerated work and not to receive as fruit from the physical effort the segregation and maltreatment. The educational system is based on these preconceptions, therefore it is focado in a eurocntrica vision (MUNANGA, 2006) and reproduces these values in the pertaining to school space, however denying the black contribution for the Brazilian progress, however distorting as ' ' extica' ' this contribution. By means of the folclorizao, it forms sazonal and obliqued by which the content of certain substances is given to a public-target, that the understanding of this content is limited, it becomes what it superficial, although, for ancestry, complex, diverse and including being.