Month: September 2016

CEO Salary

Crediting the CEO salary to the pension payments for work in retirement had become such a tax conflict the Bundesfinanzhof also reached and is currently been decided by the Chief Financial judges in detailed guidelines with judgment of the 5.3.2008. The quintessence of this decision which are important points of reference for tax waterproof design you and your advisor, please scroll down. In particular, it is to consider whether you before continued Managing Director activity over a severance pay your pension out and a clear agreement about it beforehand meet tax not because of hidden profit distributions (vGA) clunk. You should discuss other alternative designs and their tax implications in time with your advisor. The central statements of the BFH decision of 5.3.2008 are: 1 commitment the pension must be made not by the departure from the CEO employment contract depending on be disbursed no Damage (vGA) occurs. In other words: pension payments and a Managing Director activity continued after the retirement fee not always mutually exclusive. 2. in the further work of the shareholder Executive Director after reaching the retirement age a regular and conscientious Managing Director would require but usually that toward the ongoing CEO references to the services. In other words: At the same time fully paid on CEO pay and retirement benefits exclude tax themselves. Source:

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Work Scope

Vices come as passenger, visit us as guests, and remain as amos. Confucius generalities, background have long been talk in recent years about the role of ethics work, especially when corruption is manifested, illicit enrichment, and the lack of responsibility, commitment and interest in individual aspects rather than the group. A company must be supported in their social responsibility ethics, attention be paid to as manifested in the Organization, what are her accomplishments, scope. In this opportunity we will refer to it with analysis of some aspects that we consider significant in order to determine its importance, scope, impact. He says, that the work ethic had its origin both in religious values as secular during the Protestant Reformation, the Calvinists, and later the Puritans of United States, endorsed the work ethic with great firmness. Due to its religious origins are you has holding so-called Protestant, but also ethical people who belong to different religious creeds. The religion of the work ethic standpoint is that you it’s an act of service to God and neighbor, because it helps to create a better society to human beings in order to use them, so the heavy work and waste prevention constitute moral obligations. Studies conducted in several organizations confirm that employees who possess this work ethic usually feel a moral obligation with regard to ethics, rather than as a business or rational choice from the early 1950s emerged new cultural values related to the interdependence between organisations, societies and the environment.

People began to realize that organizational actions transferred costs to the outside society along with benefits and perceived momentum decided to improve this cost benefit ratio. In this way, the society could receive additional net benefits of organizations, benefits that were distributed with greater justice. These new values in general receive the names of social responsibility, social response or social commitment.

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Trade Union

Those who have followed this blog since its inception I think you already have the answer. Time will be on this virtual site of threshing long Rosary of experiences at that stage. Today only I wonder: what those have served millions and millions of euros invested each year in the training of workers? See annual budgets managed by the management body of the funds. Since then, tenor of many economic indicators, seems that they have not led to a productivity approaching the European average. Business organizations, the Trade Union and the Government are which should respond that management does that failure? As part of the answer to that question, rescued from the trunk of memories a text of the preamble to a Constitution of an Andalusian business organization of non-formal education sector, project that I had the honor of being one of the speakers in the year 1995, and who, sponsored by its Chairman, said: the private centers in Andalusia, as a living part of the society that arethey have maintained in the past decade a process similar to the society itself and were faced with two incredibly antagonistic circumstances: on one hand, with the arrival of these technological advances, we are living an extraordinary increase in interest in new forms of teaching; in recent decades another, a galloping impoverishment of companies and professionals always is occurring. The reason is simple: the devaluation of professionalism and vocation entrepreneur training. All spiced with the arrival in the training sector of seasonal workers, newcomers and opportunists with the sole intention of making business easy and fast with the increase of the training needs of the population. Yet from rabid today? Susceptible to apply to other sectors or strategic functions? To wise in synthesis: formation against fermentation..

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Palestinian Between

A strange cluster of circumstances (and errors) led to the estrangement between the powers that be in Tel Aviv and Ramallah. The crisis was accentuated in recent years, after the disappearance of Arafat and the victory of Hamas radicals in general elections held in Palestine in January 2006. However, attempts to quell Islamic radicals resulted in the division of the Palestinian territories. From the month of may, Hamas governs alone in the Gaza Strip, while forces the Fatah, loyal to President Majmud Abbas, controlled West Bank. The Annapolis Conference, held under the auspices of the American Presidency, tried to find one solution, another one to the crisis. The initiative of last time of contemplating the creation of a Palestinian State before the end of 2008, fateful date for the current occupant of the White House, seems unconvincing. However, George W.

Bush decided to hurry the last months of its mandate to achieve an agreement between the two opponents. The insurmountable obstacles: borders of a new Palestinian State, the capital of Jerusalem, safety regulations or the right of return of refugees. Issues that continue to hamper the already Yes difficult dialogue between two weak Governments, the israeli and the Palestinian. The American President does not give up: during his visit to Jerusalem and Ramallah, Bush reiterated his bet by a miraculous solution of the conflict, which would allow him to finish his term becoming the peacemaker of the zone. Bush, do peacemaker? But peace is the real unfinished business of George W.

Bush. Adrian Mac Liman writer and journalist ccs@solidarios. org. It is Blogs related Islamabad’s effort for a greater influence in Kabul The exhibition of Saladin to Sherezade: East in comics It is the Atriz Kate Hudson emagreceu sem radicalism diet never Mais Spanish word of the day: however Arrastao: or radicalism tem as long coasts (updated) Bill Clinton, George W. Bush to visit quake-devastated Haiti ASSHDP Blog Archive ISRAEL-us: differences without precedents.

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But we know that the problem of the culture is something more well than democracy or totalitarianism, two completely separate parties and opposite, the first well to be collective decisions that grouped total power over people forming pate of the people. The second being the political regime where the State has absolute power. Moreover, without downplaying in our study talk about the relationship that we also find among culture, communication and technology the advent of technology has allowed to man the construction of different objects, the modification of the environment including plants and animals, the unhurried destruction if it, for the own satisfaction. This activity even though it influences in social progress, also intervenes in the deterioration of our environment. Each culture distributes performing functions always thinking of that way benefit you to it in different ways. As the introduction of new technologies modifies and replaces human functions, when the changes are sufficiently widespread, you can also modify human relationships, in such a way that ends up generating a new social order. Technologies are not independent of culture, inseparable integrated with it a social and technical system currently. Technology represents one of the most extraordinary steps in the evolution of man, and which has had great influence on the human being, from the poorest societies up to the richest. Significantly we know that technology brings with it two faces a positive side that brings really good and effective things like increased the time and the use of the same in other work more interesting, reduction efforts and at the same time wear less physical and mental (actually not be if catalog to this wear as something positive or negative necessary in man)generation of new jobs, increased productivity of human labour, increase in the level of life that help steer hundreds of businesses, cities, companies, Governments etc.

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Intellectual Property

Today Thursday 1 of March 2012 enters in force the Real Decree that popularly develops the new legislation that it tries to avoid the illegal unloading of contents protected by rights of author in Internet, well-known like Law Sinde-Wert. The new Executive of Mariano Rajoy approved the new regulation antiunloadings the 30 of December of 2011, approved of majority way in Cortes and dated 1 of March to enter in force. This Real Decree starts up the section second of the Commission of Intellectual Property, composed by a group of civil servants, of the ministries of Education, Culture and Sport; Industry, Energy and Tourism; Economy and Competitiveness; and Presidency. This commission will serve as bridge between the proprietors of the author rights and the owners of the pages Webs, with the intention to reestablish the legality in Internet. This supposes that the members of the Commission will have to be able to even ask for the retirement of contents and the closing of the pages lodge that them or connect without permission of the holders. The process always it will begin from a request of the holder of these rights of author, initiating therefore an administrative process that can last around 20 days, and in that the Central Court of the Contentious Office staff will have to pronounce itself until in two occasions if the owners of the Web do not decide retirement contents. Once accepted to proceeding a request, an authorization request is asked the judge to identify the person in charge, to whom will contact itself next to inform to him. This one has 48 hours from that moment to retire contents or to present/display allegations.

Later there is a term of deliberation, after which if the Commission thinks that there is infringement again asks for the judicial intervention, that in last instance decides on the distant interruption or. Finally, the execution of this judicial decision can be voluntary or unavoidable, in which case it will be asked for (like at the time of identifying) the collaboration of the lender of services of Internet (companies of telecommunications). From the closing of Megaupload by the most popular intervention of the FBI, pages in Spain of services of unloadings and ' streaming' , they take to a time retiring connections. Nevertheless, today Thursday is their date limit. udea Security of the Information Department of Marketing and Communication source:

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National Assembly

The 19 of February the official newspaper Granma published a letter of Fidel Castro where it stops to be the head of older government of the world. The resignation to want to continue being president and Comandante, although would maintain its positions within the National Assembly and the Divided governor Communist. 19 months ago it announced that transitorily left to the power to its brother Raul him while recovered of its evil. As him it was seen him receiving several other agent chief executives (from Chvez to Lula) many thought that it was going to announce that he would return to his functions. However, he has decided that the transitory stage would have to be towards another way: one in which it formally lets the presidency but to become the power under the throne.

The aim of account Omar Torrijos in Panama or Deng Xiaoping in China they continued being leaders of the revolution although formally they would not be the heads of the State or the government. I castrate will continue supervising Cuba although others assume the formal leadership of the government or his FFAA. With that measurement he wants to guarantee a transition ordinate. First it wanted to tranquilize to its population saying that it did not only leave the position but by a time and now, after almost a year and a half of to have verified as his brother maintained the stability, postulates that he leaves his positions but he continues being the inspiring one of the system. Fidel wants, thus, gradually to be disappearing of as much monopolized salary the political scene allowing that is a successor his who does not generate changes nor abrupt reactions. The retirement of I castrate will not lead to new changes majors in the economy or policy, although he is to hope that Cuba wants to follow the model of China and Vietnam to be abriendo its market while it iron maintains the monopoly of the policy into the hands of the unique party in the power.

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Drug Administration

Breast implants plastic surgery has made possible the transformation of virtually all parts of the body, from the nose up to the thighs and almost everything there is in the middle. For women who want larger breasts for aesthetic reasons, there is surgery of breast augmentation, where to place implants in the breast tissue or underneath the chest muscle to increase the size of the breasts. Women who have small breasts, or whose breasts have lost their fullness after pregnancy or weight loss, may be candidates for the breast implants. Although breast implants they can be used for reconstruction purposes (for example, once your breasts are removed because of cancer), this article includes only the aesthetic breast augmentation. Discusses the types of breast implants available, procedures, and complications that can occur. Types of breast implants there are two types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Implants with filling of solution saline are shells of Silicone filled with sterile salt water (saline). Silicone-filled implants are silicone shells filled with a gel of plastic (silicone).

Although many women say that silicone implants feel more like real breasts than saline, posed to be more risky if it leaks. In 1992, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration or administration of drugs and food in its acronym in English) stopped the sale of implants silicone due to security issues. But in 2006, after reviewing the additional investigation, the FDA allowed two manufacturers Mentor and Allergan to sell silicone implants. For more information visit my blog: DrEstecheMamas.blogspot.

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This first step is essential, because, since it begins, the transformation program requires the active cooperation of many individuals. Without motivation, nobody it will be arranged to help and the effort will not arrive at good port. It is by that to transmit the new direction that elije to take itself, as well as the perceptions that they sustain that election is fundamental to count on the support of the rest of the equipment. The people motivate themselves when they have a total pick up of which it is the reason that impels its actions and which is the persecuted last objective. Abrir itself to the creativity that the rest of the equipment has, to the different perceptions product from the different places which they take care in the company and to the sinrgico work they can be great investments in this first stage where to negotiate a consensus towards working in the new direction it will be fundamental. Of equal way, it is important that the motivation of the involved ones is maintained, through a good leadership, commitment and integral advising (qualifications, training, coaching), so that the reach of the change process is really effective. We speak to lead a process that will take a time, is necessary that the moral of the group stays discharge throughout the process, since is the motor of the same.

Compared with other stages of the change process, phase 1 can seem easy. It is not it. Enough more of 50% of the companies that I have analyzed have failed in this first stage. Which are the reasons of this failure? Some times the executives underestimate the difficult thing that he can be to remove to people from his you rule of comfort. Others remarkably sobrestiman their capacity to induce in others the necessary emergency sensation. Sometimes, they lack patience. In many cases, the executives become paralyzed before the possibility of causing negative effects.

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The Venezuelan

Now that Morals has access to the coffers of the nationalized companies, it does with the State Treasury which comes to him in desire. The revolution in democracy of the Socialism of the 21st century, is easy to initiate, although their results are ominous, like they indicate the numbers. The majority lives in a so low level of poverty, that any thing that is offered to him is more than has, but to give destitute the governors they look for to take from the others, playing the false role of Robin Hood. He is comfortable to sink to the 36 minority percent of the middle-class that sees truncated its possibilities of economic improvement, whereas less the most favored they very small increase its standard of life to other people’s cost. Those that never had nothing, will have something very poor, but something finally and those that had something will be without anything. The social classes will be equaled and all will live happy in the misery. It will be a paradisiac Cuba.

The formula is cruel and unnatural because it annuls the incentive to the work, to the creativity and the personal overcoming, but for many is an unusual profit and will fight to defend the mendrugos that fall to them. The unique ones that truly benefits are the governors, who are becoming richest, strongest, the untouchable ones. The new oligarchy already is trying to dominate under the law of the terror, faithful to the tradition Populist. They are in the world only five communist countries: China, Laos, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam. The Venezuelan and Bolivian neoComunism enters within a new amorphous category, because still liberties and democratic speech of elections, referendos and other procedures are allowed. But the despotism already is eating away the internal of the State. In Bolivia the subject is thorny and more confused, by racial hatreds that are being intensified deliberately from the Executive, to try to impose a indigenista version of the Nacionalsocialismo, as the other employee of Chvez preaches, Ollanta Humala in the Peru, that dresses to its followers in uniforms similar to the Hitler hordes and promotes a furious anti-semitism.

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