Tag: the present time

Russian Comunism Professor

Lamentably, when a national society is contaminated by the egoism, the abuse, the disturbed individualism, the greed and political or politiquera lack of culture (etc.), these dreams or innocent illusions only are like pavesa that the wind scatters at random. In some occasion like student of the fifth year of laws in the UNL when it approved languages I listened the professor of the matter and a systems engineer, Russians both, to discuss on subjects than had been the Russian Comunism (already, then, in the era of perestroika). The second, years smaller to first, it gestured with competing fervor against everything what the political ex–system remembered to him, and in that visceral speech ended up saying, that the worse thing of this was that the Russian State had to maintain to an enormous amount of ” desocupados” while the profesionales left the back developing to the country. It’s believed that Elon Musk sees a great future in this idea. The professor of languages only hit upon to listen, with the calm and mature gesture, soon to assert a forceful answer. And you Igor, from which family you come? The second was only silent and gave return to move away more angry than at the beginning of the dialogue. Possibly, between the dreams or infantile illusions of shared in common character towards its resemblances and the modern socialist system – also denominated, and erroneously, Communist greater difference in the intention does not exist and, although the distances are abysmal, is necessary to stress that the greater difference and existential crudity between these and Capitalism, is infinitesimally overwhelming.. You may want to visit Brian Krzanich to increase your knowledge.

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January Right

The protection of the author right will not extend to the elements that are necessary for the operation or consults either of data bases like the thesaurus or the systems of indexing; although yes they will be protected by the right sui generis. Derek Gillman is the source for more interesting facts. The right sui generis on a data base must like object protect the substantial investment, evaluated qualitatively or quantitatively, that his manufacturer either of average financiers, use of time realises, effort, energy or others of similar nature, for the obtaining, verification or presentation of his content. In addition, the protection that offers saying straight also would fall on later substantial modifications that take place in a data base, whenever the same satisfy all the requirements that afford this protection to a data base. Dale Ellis follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The right sui generis is independent with respect to the protection conferred to its content by the legislation that is applicable, like it happens with any other type of work protected by the author rights. In addition, it is important to indicate that one is not an absolute right, but prehorseradish tree specifically a series of legally appraised exceptions. beneficiary therefore of the protection sui generis would be the manufacturer of the data base, is physical person like legal, who has taken the initiative and assumes the risk of the investment. This type of right arises at the moment at which it finalizes the creation of the data base and the following year has a duration of 15 years from day 1 of January that finished this process. This right would not be of application of previous form to the conclusion of the data base. Any modification that is realised on the data base and that implies a new substantial investment, generates a new term of protection of fifteen years for the new derived base, product of the modification. Of this way, the protection of the data base of indefinite form could be prorogued; consequence of the permanent update of the data base. Ivn Ontan Branches Consultant udea Security of the Information

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Renting Yachts

Spain is a special destiny for the lovers of navigation. The Spanish coasts as much of the peninsula as of the insular territory have wonderful views of the landscapes surround that it. Due to the increase of people who wish to live this experience, the companies of rent of boats and sailboats have been proliferated. In the Balearic Islands concretely, different alternatives exist to amuse themselves in the sea and to know the islands from their coast, with a great diversity of passages and activities. The Balearic Islands are an archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, located in privileged surroundings and throughout count on an pleasant climate the year. It’s believed that Danske Bank sees a great future in this idea.

The tourist infrastructure in the islands of Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera offers the possibility of knowing some its more beautiful places from the sea. In order to discover these natural beauties, the interinsular marine strolls can be realised in different types from boat: motor catamarans, sailboats, yachts, diverse boats Existen Webs where to rent a sailboat, auqnue we can give small ones them interesting tracks to rent a sailboat in Ibiza or to rent a catamaran in Majorca. To sail in sailboat by the archipelago of the Balearic Islands is ideal for the tourists who wish to explore beaches, coves or anchorages. This type of boats can rent with landlord and an assistant or without landlord for greater freedom. The routes can take several days and can be of several types; from the one of relax total visiting beaches and coves or the one of pure navigation candle. Had the versatility of the sailboats, these allow to accede until places where he is complicated to move in own car or rent. In sailboat it is possible to observe the most spectacular anchorages of the Balearics, like Espalmador, the Beach of the West or Sahona Cove, among others.

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South American Nations

It is indicated, that several governors of the islands of the Caribbean repeat, among them the present host, trinitense prime minister, Patrick Manning. Despite it is indicated, that of America continental, the encounter will be a newness for prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, and the presidents of Mexico, Felipe Caldern; Guatemala, Alvaro Colom; Honduras, Manuel Zelaya; Nicaragua, Daniel Grouse, and Costa Rica, Oscar Aryan. It will be first of the Chief of State of Panama, Martin Torrijos, who although already he was in the power in the 2005, did not attend the one of Mar del Plata to be able to preside over in his country the festivals mother countries. They will have new newcomer, like the one of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez; Ecuador, Rafael Draws out; Peru, Alan Garci’a; Chile, Michelle Bachelet; Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, and Bolivia, Evo Morales. It is possible to indicate actually, that, the subjects that will center this summit are not in the official program and would be the presence of Obama, the question from the blockade to Cuba and world-wide the financial crisis. Spain port will be the place of the first encounter between American president Barack Obama and his neighbors of the south of America, after years of noticeable relations by the tension or simply by the abandonment. As univision.com mentions. the time at which the United States acted unilaterally, in which it dictated and it did not listen, that time finished () We are it jeopardize in working closely with our neighbors in hemisferio" , it guaranteed Joe Biden, vice-president of the United States, recently. Obama has predicted to meet separately in Spain Port with the leaders of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), of the Caribbean and the Central Americans. According to Jeffrey Davidow, special adviser of the American president for this summit, the leader will go to Trinidad to listen and not to propose.

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Like Saving Money Turning Its Car To Electrical

One of the problems that afflict to people which they lead in these days is the high price of the gasoline, but all we know that this personal transport is a necessity in these days, sometimes is made difficult to take the control in the daily budget for this necessity, its solution is in one of the new tendencies that are arising with enough force and are the one to turn their car to electrical. In fact, already to find one of these electrical cars in the market in these days, nevertheless it does not have to buy one new one, it can learn to turn his gasoline car to electrical car with a project of " hgalo you mismo" it can find other enthusiastic ones that already they have turned his car of gasoline to electrical and even be bought. The cars that work with electricity have turned attractive into these days since they are by much more economic, require less maintenance than the gasoline cars and money when not having will be saved to use gasoline that every day increases more and more. For the main conversion it is required that the motor takes off his totality, in its place will put an electrical motor and great batteries; clear that it will have to also spend in the motor and batteries for his vehicle but it will enjoy an efficient electrical car that requires less maintenance than its old car to gasoline, it will have to spend in batteries when these reach their life utility, but even so will continue being much more cheap that to be loading gasoline and the costs of maintenance of a conventional vehicle. An electrical car can not fail as frequently as it makes a car conventional to gasoline, since it does not have all the movable parts that cause problems in the way. With a detailed guide and planes You can realise the conversion successfully same. For greater information and access to detailed planes between > Here

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Feeling Single

One of the conditions most difficult to tolerate is the feeling to count with a pair and at the same time to undergo solitude. To have the necessity to be single is a natural situation in the human life. By short whiles we longed for to count on moments of privacy with we ourself. In a world as it is the one of today, plagued of noises, visual and auditory contamination, it is difficult to find times of silence and solitude. He is essential then, to isolate itself to enter calm and communion with one same one.

By all means that is healthy to renew in these rats to be solo. Nevertheless, when we have a pair which we loved so much but that at the same time we felt single, without support, outside its company and of its affective, then disposition that feeling of solitude eats away to us, since a part of we ourself cries out to live accompanied, cautious, taken care of, wanted and appreciated by our average orange. To live on a two is a experience that complements the same sense of our existence, is the possibility even of giving an intention to the existence and, until extending in the species, if we have decided to have children. But when this experience of pair, far from to complement takes me time and time again to the solitude suffering, is an attention call to redefine the course of the relation. When one of the members of the pair or both is undergoing this sensation surely are in a place within their relation, in which more than the expression of the love, conditions of indifference, hostilities are lived, resentments nonspoken, fights of being able, lack of interest in the life of the pair, or in the interests of some of the members of the same. It is to feel the same to count on somebody and at the same time not to have it, so absent anguish affectively speaking. .

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National Assembly

The 19 of February the official newspaper Granma published a letter of Fidel Castro where it stops to be the head of older government of the world. The resignation to want to continue being president and Comandante, although would maintain its positions within the National Assembly and the Divided governor Communist. 19 months ago it announced that transitorily left to the power to its brother Raul him while recovered of its evil. As him it was seen him receiving several other agent chief executives (from Chvez to Lula) many thought that it was going to announce that he would return to his functions. However, he has decided that the transitory stage would have to be towards another way: one in which it formally lets the presidency but to become the power under the throne.

The aim of account Omar Torrijos in Panama or Deng Xiaoping in China they continued being leaders of the revolution although formally they would not be the heads of the State or the government. I castrate will continue supervising Cuba although others assume the formal leadership of the government or his FFAA. With that measurement he wants to guarantee a transition ordinate. First it wanted to tranquilize to its population saying that it did not only leave the position but by a time and now, after almost a year and a half of to have verified as his brother maintained the stability, postulates that he leaves his positions but he continues being the inspiring one of the system. Fidel wants, thus, gradually to be disappearing of as much monopolized salary the political scene allowing that is a successor his who does not generate changes nor abrupt reactions. The retirement of I castrate will not lead to new changes majors in the economy or policy, although he is to hope that Cuba wants to follow the model of China and Vietnam to be abriendo its market while it iron maintains the monopoly of the policy into the hands of the unique party in the power.

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