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This first step is essential, because, since it begins, the transformation program requires the active cooperation of many individuals. Without motivation, nobody it will be arranged to help and the effort will not arrive at good port. It is by that to transmit the new direction that elije to take itself, as well as the perceptions that they sustain that election is fundamental to count on the support of the rest of the equipment. The people motivate themselves when they have a total pick up of which it is the reason that impels its actions and which is the persecuted last objective. Abrir itself to the creativity that the rest of the equipment has, to the different perceptions product from the different places which they take care in the company and to the sinrgico work they can be great investments in this first stage where to negotiate a consensus towards working in the new direction it will be fundamental. Of equal way, it is important that the motivation of the involved ones is maintained, through a good leadership, commitment and integral advising (qualifications, training, coaching), so that the reach of the change process is really effective. We speak to lead a process that will take a time, is necessary that the moral of the group stays discharge throughout the process, since is the motor of the same.

Compared with other stages of the change process, phase 1 can seem easy. It is not it. Enough more of 50% of the companies that I have analyzed have failed in this first stage. Which are the reasons of this failure? Some times the executives underestimate the difficult thing that he can be to remove to people from his you rule of comfort. Others remarkably sobrestiman their capacity to induce in others the necessary emergency sensation. Sometimes, they lack patience. In many cases, the executives become paralyzed before the possibility of causing negative effects.

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The Universe

If you think about the solutions you attract the solutions, if you think about the problems you attract problems. Like attracts like, it is as well as solutions arise from similar thoughts in order, but if you are looking for peace from your fight, prosperity from your distress, love from limitations, happiness from suffering, you can not but find more difficulty, more distress, more suffering and you’ll be generating resistance. And greater resistance greater pain. THE golden key, is simple, actually is, at least to understand. But not the case when it is put into practice. It is likely that if you have a situation of immediate solution will be difficult to occupy your mind in something different than the situation we have trained in be PESSIMISTIC and maintain our attention in what not want in place of what we want but you can help by repeating formulas such as: life has always the best for me nothing or no one can alter my inner peace everything that happens is perfect for the father is with me and guide me all I can do it through my father who strengthens me – flow with life, is that the father guide me and all the positive thoughts flowing into your mind.

Because these formulas repeated many times end up being accepted by the mind creating a State of stability, security and peace of mind. BEFORE any situation that have that assume something, think it best and ACERTARAS not the most minimum possibility that something that you does not correspond therefore happens is important to bear in mind that your reality is the result of your thoughts.!! ME stop thinking in everything what you don’t want and that will disappear forever from your life.! What happens outside are perfect results to recognize what’s inside you. In difficult situations, few people know that they were so close to having a fantastic response of life, if only you had connected his golden key if receipt of what I give, I do have to give LO MEJOR DE MI esteriotipar you do not want a solution, that only delays and stagnant processes of the universe and that you least expect is probably the solution.! The channels of God are unlimited and perfect. Leave everything to God, you just take care of do best, that is do your part and let God do the of the I assure you that not fails. Whoever has light inside won’t find shadows on their way.

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