Tag: the news

October Circulation

As for months it was announced, Reconversion of our national monetary sign, Bolivar, is in march. The Central bank of Venezuela (BCV) has already initiated the necessary campaign to explain to us in question, as they will be his reaches and as his objectives The measurement in itself appears quite iniquitous, explain according to us in the BCV, is simply tried to make our currency in countable terms more manageable and administrative, to lower the price of the production costs and replacement of paper money, to balance the number of change Versus. /US$ to numbers similar to those of the other countries of the area, (eye, this balance or similarity will be only formal, concerning the numbers whereupon that rate of change is expressed, not of the value of the currency), and to in cash adapt the Venezuelan economy to the international standards as far as the possession of money of the citizens in a certain one moment and all this it will be obtained clearing three zero to him to our currency. Filed under: Nike. et resource. In this first stage, like I say, has begun the information process already; the second step, to divide October of this year, imposes that all the prices of goods and services will both have to be expressed in annotation systems so that people are accustomed to the new sign; from 1ero. of January of the 2008 the new tickets will enter circulation and currencies but, by a time nonsmaller to six months, will continue circulating the old women and will be possible to use them like means of payment of legal circulation although by law either all the countable prices, tariffs, systems, etc. You may find Reade Griffith to be a useful source of information. will have to be or expressed and taken in Strong Bolivars ; after this period, that will be able to extend as much as the BCV considers necessary, progressively the Old woman Bolivars will be retired of circulation and completely will already be implemented the measurement One assumes that the process is simple and, in words of the directory of the BCV, is a neutral process, that is to say that clearing to him these three zero to Bolivar is not going to affect for anything the value of the currency, thus 1000 Versus. . .

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American Dietetic Association

To lower of Weight with Diet and Exercise Diet to lower of weight and the exercise Perder kilos is a process that must be gotten up to the daily life. In order to reduce the weight, it must establish a plan always guided by a professional, because all the methods are not promoted and a healthy feeding. The majority of the people to control the excess of weight is like the parties, a fast flash, a little heat and a momentary explosion of energy. They only have an objective: to lose kilos, but this objective is only the beginning of a true plan to control the excess of weight. Therefore, we must make a commitment, a decided plan to obtain benefits in the time. The adoption of a style of healthful life, with changes in the nutritional habits, such as the fried reduction of the sugar consumption, candies, fats, foods, to moderate the portions, can be a good idea. It is very important to combine the diet and the physical exercise, preferably every day of the week.

The best way to lose weight is slow, constant, and based on a sensible diet. The ideal diet is that one that is balanced, in accordance with the scientific associations like the American Dietetic Association or the American Association of the Heart, that is those that offers a good guide in this sense. The best thing is to see a professional in the area to maintain or to obtain the reduction of weight. It always consults a specialist, because what works for a person she does not work for another one. Often, not to eat, does not imply the reduction of weight because there are situations metabolism to adapt in particular to a food and, although the person to eat the sufficient thing, is not going to reduce the weight.

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Bin Laden

According to information of Brazil, a distribution point of arms military, such as M-16 and AR-15, grenades, rocket launchers and were detected. Indignant, the Uruguayan government denounced the report, alleging that they were not subversive, between the Arabs who live in Uruguay. The mayor of Chui of the Brazilian side of the border, Mohammed Kasim (also accused to be a Lebanese nationalist with strong bonds with bin Laden and other Saudi terrorists. The Uruguayan secret service questioned the mayor, who presumably helped to The Said Hassan Hussein Mukhlis" family after her halting visited and it in the jail. Porto Alegre Zero Hour Porto Alegre, of 2 of September of 2001, Jomaa described like the presumed head of new " Mafia rabe" , an organization that participates in traffic of arms and drugs, the money laundering, and the operation of the undocumented workers. After the attacks of the 11 of September, Jomaa was accused to be secretly in contact with the enemy with Mukhlis, and to have given refuge to its wife, Sahar (Sarrah) Mohamed Hassam Hamanra Abud.

Forces of the Federal Police of Brazil of Rio Grande do Sul is Jomaa to investigate supposed bonds with Mukhlis, that had visited in the jail. Brazilian authorities seem to be worried more, nevertheless, with positions that Jomaa is a Lebanese citizen and, therefore, does not meet the conditions to hold the one’s position in ranks of mayor in Brazil. Jomaa denied all entailment with Bin Laden, and affirmed that it had helped to Hamanra and its three children like a humanitarian gesture. A confidential document obtained by Zero Hour says that " Whenever Mohamed Jomaa traveled to Lebanon, that is been in contact with Osama bin Laden in Afganistn" , and that Bin Laden would be prepared to contribute 2 million dollars to the construction of a mosque in Chui. According to a declaration done by its mother, Nabihi Jomaa, in the Lebanon to the Brazilian ambassador, the mayor was born the 16 from August from 1959, in the Lebanese city of Konaitra, that is today in Syria.

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Padan Important

And Esa said: I will leave with you the people now who come with me. And Jacob said: why this? I find grace to eyes of my gentleman. Thus that one day by its way returned Esa to Seir. Genesis 33:1 16 The reading exempts of additional commentaries, the guilty complex of Jacob is so well-known that it doubts the intentions of his Esa brother. That is the hidden reason, to ahead put the women and the children, to resort to the praise, the servile inclination of him and theirs. From the behavior of both brothers in this occasion, valuable conjectures of the personality of each can be removed, it does not seem to them? It is important that we retain, like aid element, to locate to us better in one of histories that these young people will tell us ahead but, the reading of the following passages: Later Jacob arrived safe and sound at the city of Siquem, that is in the Earth of Canan, when it came from Padan-aram; and it encamped in front of the city.

And it bought a part of the field, where it planted its store, of hands of the children of Love father of Siquem, percent currencies. Genesis 33:18 – 19 We remember that what we are doing is a story of real facts, events that nobody puts in doubt, the value judgments that we are realising are of strictly personal order, each of you will know to draw their own conclusions. The last sample of the button; We said, in the beginning of this char it, that we considered the possibility important of being able to show some aspects to them of the behavior of the personages who have seen themselves noticeably favored by those who have evaluated the consequences of their acts.

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The Results

It does not wait for more! It goes to the writing desk nearest his locality and consults a lawyer exceeds how to act and to defend themselves in case of seeing itself involved in a road accident. This way you will be Saving time! Then with a previous consultant’s office for the moment at it needs which it the form will know most suitable to respond and to face the conductor who really was the culprit of such accident. While the conversations occur already you will have reported to him to his lawyer so that this one initiates the investigation process and pertinent diligences so that represented his (that in this occasion is you), you are favored with the results. He demands and he obtains his indemnification after the legal support of a lawyer. Exemplifying another scene, if one is damages to its person by labor reasons, that is to say, falls or breakings of health during a labor day, and still more if the conditions were not given in the matter of hygiene and security to the personnel you you are in all their right to act and to introduce, including a direct demand towards its employer and until for the same company. Since all company and/or company must fulfill these norms of security for each of its workers. Another one of the cases that appears very frequently is that an employee gives a certainty of rest to his employer and this one refuses it completely or once accepted when returning the worker of his medical rest is whereupon has been dismissed by all means " abandonment of trabajo". It is useful that already it has tests of the true conditions of its absence, contracts the services of the best lawyer, and it defends with all the of the Law its job that has cost to him well to reach it and it will more cost to him to find one new one. It is by this and but reasons that were created virtual guide. Original author and source of the article.

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Luis Hernandez Telephone

The telephone does not stop sounding in Carlin Ventas Directas, S.A. And it is that this chain, leader in the scope of the stationery store in Spain, besides using as the last technologies, has not left the tele-marketing as forms to sell its products and their mark. we are convinced that serving to us as the telephone to commercialize our products and services it has excellent results. It is a technique that always has worked to us very well and that now, in combination with the page Web, is very positive for our company, Jose explains Luis Hernandez, maximum responsible for the standard. Thus the telephone things, sales they are for CARLIN the perfect tool in his commercial strategy. Is a good vehicle as much for the final client as for the network of franchise-holders on which we counted, it adds. With the telephone contact they achieve variable objectives so as complementary.

Llevamos to end from the launching of a promotion product, to the direct bonding with the client or franchise-holder. Go to Elon Musk for more information. Also we make the sale, opinion polls, surveys of satisfaction direct . And it is that since the CARLIN motto is the one of to be near you, what better way than to do the one that through tele-marketing. With him we obtain a great amount of information that serves later us to offer so much to the market as to almost the 500 stores and warehouses that we have novel and useful products, adds Hernandez. In fact in the chain they consider that 10% of to their obtain it invoicing with her. But, what type of action or aims obtains this chain leader with the tele-marketing. Jose Luis summarizes them thus to Hernandez: Added value to the franchise-holders. Thanks to our channel of televendedores we provided a polished and bled base to them of clients to whom they can go and sell products .

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Penitentiary Institutions

30% of the people without home almost undergo chronic depression, bipolar upheavals or schizophrenia, the more frequent mental diseases, according to studies realised in Spain. In the jails they have been detected near 2,000 cases of psictico upheaval, almost 3% of the secluded population and more than 7,000 people with dual, agravated pathology by the drug consumption. More of 3% of the interns it had been in a psychiatric center before its entrance in prison. In Spain the majority of the manicomios has been closed, with the conviction that the families would take care of their relatives with mental disease. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Elon Musk. This pretension took like premise solid familiar networks, but who did not have them or who they arrived from other countries they were in the affective limb and of professional cares. Also there were families incapable to fight with diseases for which the support psychologists, clinical psychiatrists is needed, nurses, therapists, aids, social caretakers and workers.

A young person Spanish account in a news article of the Country how one goes from the depression to the jail. To a friend his they diagnosed schizophrenia to him when it had happened of a mental jail to a real jail, although had gone to the doctor with a severe depressive picture before entering. Mercedes Gallizo, Director of Penitentiary Institutions in Spain, thinks that the suitable prevention and treatments would avoid some crimes. Nevertheless, first it is needed a diagnosis, something that complica when they lack the resources, it is spoken little of the subject and the social stigmata stay. The workers of penitentiary institutions agree in which the medical services and of infirmary in the jails are saturated, which prevents that the specialized attention arrives that needs the people with mental disease. On the other hand, the experts in mental health maintain in which the penitentiary surroundings make difficult the recovery of the people with pathologies and aggravate its situation.

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Professional Alternatives

The majority of us has heard speak or has spoken to twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc. Yes are social networks that nowadays are revolutionizing Internet. (Not to be confused with Ebay!). why? Because they have laid the way to the participation of the user, who is behind the screen. The user no longer is a mere spectator of the contents he creates but them shares, them he comments, them and he spreads to his contacts quickly and he creates a state of opinion or a common position that he is grouped around the walls of the most active users. These networks, contain all type of contents, as much of text, images, audio, videos of all type of contents, including of course, those of architecture, but really they are lost within marasmo of the own social network. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jayme Albin . By our idiosyncrasy the architects, we are quite individualistic.

It is accused to us, some times not without reason, to go of divos by the life, to believe Gods to us and like all Earth God, us has arrived our decline. The problems that besiege to us: the lack of orders, unemployment in the profession and the excess of professionals for a unique majority task that is the one to project houses, that right now, with the crisis of the national real estate bubble and the financier at world-wide level, is ending the majority of professional studies that at the moment malviven of savings of the time of the fat cows. What on the matter we do? In fact very few things are becoming for the profession and putting in value of the same in the society. They are being propose neither from the schools of architecture nor from the professional schools, nor from the own professional group. Everything reduces to timid proposals by rehabilitation environmental and ecosostenible, that I do not say that is bad, really goes by the good way but, we have stopped ourselves to think cua to them are the professional attributions that we have the architects? the one to realise city-planning projects and of houses solely? No, by all means that no.

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On new-acropolis.es him, he comments with respect the phenomenon of his sores, stigmatisations, that its body reproduced during last the 50 years of its life the sores of Christ in hand, feet and flank, hurt that throughout that time they were bleeding with clean a red blood and, at no infected moment. The duration of the stigmata of Po Father is more it releases of all the well-known ones. It began the 20 of September of 1918 and it only stopped, without leaving track, with its death, 50 years later, the 23 of September of 1968. It is not possible to be denied indicates the source, that we were before an exceptional fact. Has not been natural explanation to this phenomenon. They do not lack the skeptics who assure that the stigmata are product of the psychopathy, the addiction to the magic and the superstition, or simply a farce.

The Provincial one of the Order commanded to photograph hands, feet and flank and sent these documents to the Vatican, but in addition they made him be recognized by numerous specialists who put under to him deep medical examinations. The wounds were there, bleeding light and almost continuously. Po Father used average dark wool gloves by day to hide his hands. The blood spots are not seen and it absorbs them to the wool. At night he uses gloves of white cotton that to the dawn are soaked in blood. Washes it them and prepares his cell.

The wound of the flank also bleeds of continuous. It takes one widens bandage coiled to the chest that renews two or three times to the day. The wounds of the feet are of the same characteristics that those of the hands. When low of the altar to take to the communion to the faithfuls his step he is uncertain, slow, vacillating, like delivering an attack of contained pain. After the event of the sores, its ordinary life continued externally as if nothing had happened. It goes to the choir, it eats in the refectory with the other monks, does length short while of oration and it takes care of confessions per hours and hours, with an own, charismatic, vertical style, to the point of being called the missionary outside series. The rest of the monks is admired of their endurance, afflicted as it were of so many pains, not only the bleeding sores, but also numerous diseases that the doctors of their time did not manage to cure. One says that, the gifts of the Italian priest were, according to their believers: Extraordinary discernment: capacity you bring back to consciousness to read them, gift that used frequently during the ministry of the sacrament of the Penance. Prophecy: it could announce events of the future, including the arrival to papado of Pablo I SAW and Juan Pablo II. Treatment: you cure miraculous by the power of the oration. Bilocacin: to be in two places at the same time. Perfume: the blood of their stigmata had fragrance of flowers. Tears: it included/understood the mysteries of the Rosary until the tears. Stigmata: it received the stigmata the 20 of September of 1918 and it took until his death 50 years later to them. The doctors who observed the stigmata of Po Father could not make heal their sores nor give explanation of them. They calculated that it lost a glass of daily blood, but their sores never became infected.

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This first step is essential, because, since it begins, the transformation program requires the active cooperation of many individuals. Without motivation, nobody it will be arranged to help and the effort will not arrive at good port. It is by that to transmit the new direction that elije to take itself, as well as the perceptions that they sustain that election is fundamental to count on the support of the rest of the equipment. The people motivate themselves when they have a total pick up of which it is the reason that impels its actions and which is the persecuted last objective. Abrir itself to the creativity that the rest of the equipment has, to the different perceptions product from the different places which they take care in the company and to the sinrgico work they can be great investments in this first stage where to negotiate a consensus towards working in the new direction it will be fundamental. Of equal way, it is important that the motivation of the involved ones is maintained, through a good leadership, commitment and integral advising (qualifications, training, coaching), so that the reach of the change process is really effective. We speak to lead a process that will take a time, is necessary that the moral of the group stays discharge throughout the process, since is the motor of the same.

Compared with other stages of the change process, phase 1 can seem easy. It is not it. Enough more of 50% of the companies that I have analyzed have failed in this first stage. Which are the reasons of this failure? Some times the executives underestimate the difficult thing that he can be to remove to people from his you rule of comfort. Others remarkably sobrestiman their capacity to induce in others the necessary emergency sensation. Sometimes, they lack patience. In many cases, the executives become paralyzed before the possibility of causing negative effects.

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