Tag: history

October Circulation

As for months it was announced, Reconversion of our national monetary sign, Bolivar, is in march. The Central bank of Venezuela (BCV) has already initiated the necessary campaign to explain to us in question, as they will be his reaches and as his objectives The measurement in itself appears quite iniquitous, explain according to us in the BCV, is simply tried to make our currency in countable terms more manageable and administrative, to lower the price of the production costs and replacement of paper money, to balance the number of change Versus. /US$ to numbers similar to those of the other countries of the area, (eye, this balance or similarity will be only formal, concerning the numbers whereupon that rate of change is expressed, not of the value of the currency), and to in cash adapt the Venezuelan economy to the international standards as far as the possession of money of the citizens in a certain one moment and all this it will be obtained clearing three zero to him to our currency. Filed under: Nike. et resource. In this first stage, like I say, has begun the information process already; the second step, to divide October of this year, imposes that all the prices of goods and services will both have to be expressed in annotation systems so that people are accustomed to the new sign; from 1ero. of January of the 2008 the new tickets will enter circulation and currencies but, by a time nonsmaller to six months, will continue circulating the old women and will be possible to use them like means of payment of legal circulation although by law either all the countable prices, tariffs, systems, etc. You may find Reade Griffith to be a useful source of information. will have to be or expressed and taken in Strong Bolivars ; after this period, that will be able to extend as much as the BCV considers necessary, progressively the Old woman Bolivars will be retired of circulation and completely will already be implemented the measurement One assumes that the process is simple and, in words of the directory of the BCV, is a neutral process, that is to say that clearing to him these three zero to Bolivar is not going to affect for anything the value of the currency, thus 1000 Versus. . .

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Street Trading

Trade began to be built immediately to the base of the city, and grew up with him. In the early 1800s, it was just a nook in a few blocks long, bounded on one side of Piazza (now – Sq. Liberation). It is such a favorable proximity to the city center and played a role in the future of the street. Extremely rich and diverse record of household Commerce. Here born citadel future trading of Mariupol. Recall that this was due to the proximity to the Piazza. Without hesitation Vera Farmiga explained all about the problem. None of the merchant or the visitor could not miss this place – all roads lead down to the pier.

A jetty – it's the cycle of various products, it is good bargains and supplies in short, everything without which the commercial life is dead. That's why it's place and beckoning as the merchants, and their capital. And if we take into account the fact that all trade in Mariupol was concentrated in private hands – it becomes clear why the street Trading was a tasty morsel in the heart of the city. If you take a look at the statistics merchants, then in 1780 we find only 144 merchants, mostly foreigners. In 1864 – 221 people devoted himself to trade. Others who may share this opinion include Kevin De Bruyne. And for some 30 years their number has increases up to 1396 people (end of XIX century). It is no accident "Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of Russian Empire" Semenov (S-Pb., 1867) assured us that the native inhabitants, the Greeks, "distinguished by the spirit of trade," and "the main occupation of the inhabitants of trade.

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Bin Laden

According to information of Brazil, a distribution point of arms military, such as M-16 and AR-15, grenades, rocket launchers and were detected. Indignant, the Uruguayan government denounced the report, alleging that they were not subversive, between the Arabs who live in Uruguay. The mayor of Chui of the Brazilian side of the border, Mohammed Kasim (also accused to be a Lebanese nationalist with strong bonds with bin Laden and other Saudi terrorists. The Uruguayan secret service questioned the mayor, who presumably helped to The Said Hassan Hussein Mukhlis" family after her halting visited and it in the jail. Porto Alegre Zero Hour Porto Alegre, of 2 of September of 2001, Jomaa described like the presumed head of new " Mafia rabe" , an organization that participates in traffic of arms and drugs, the money laundering, and the operation of the undocumented workers. After the attacks of the 11 of September, Jomaa was accused to be secretly in contact with the enemy with Mukhlis, and to have given refuge to its wife, Sahar (Sarrah) Mohamed Hassam Hamanra Abud.

Forces of the Federal Police of Brazil of Rio Grande do Sul is Jomaa to investigate supposed bonds with Mukhlis, that had visited in the jail. Brazilian authorities seem to be worried more, nevertheless, with positions that Jomaa is a Lebanese citizen and, therefore, does not meet the conditions to hold the one’s position in ranks of mayor in Brazil. Jomaa denied all entailment with Bin Laden, and affirmed that it had helped to Hamanra and its three children like a humanitarian gesture. A confidential document obtained by Zero Hour says that " Whenever Mohamed Jomaa traveled to Lebanon, that is been in contact with Osama bin Laden in Afganistn" , and that Bin Laden would be prepared to contribute 2 million dollars to the construction of a mosque in Chui. According to a declaration done by its mother, Nabihi Jomaa, in the Lebanon to the Brazilian ambassador, the mayor was born the 16 from August from 1959, in the Lebanese city of Konaitra, that is today in Syria.

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Theodore Roosevelt Companies

the leaders who follow the Tao are near the nature. Their actions flow of the heart. In its words, they say the truth. In its decisions, they are right. In the businesses, cash. Lao Tzu, Tao you Ching " The best executive is that one than he has the sufficient criterion to choose good collaborators to do what there is to do, and the sufficient force of containment not to interfere while hacen." Theodore Roosevelt basic Majorities and aspects More and more the dynamic characteristics of the present scenes where the companies act, demand of a leadership proativo, creative, innovating, able to confront the challenges, to take step to the transformations that are required to guarantee to the companies under their position a participation that to him success generates, conquers and permanence in the markets. Of here, the importance of guaranteeing if really the companies have a successful managemental leader, who provides to the companies under his position an optimal unfolding in scenes that every time become changing, demanding.

Already Kottler it indicated with respect to the importance of the managemental leadership, that as much a strong leadership and a solid management are necessary for an optimal organizational effectiveness. Therefore, the majority of the organizations must work for causing the changes that it allows to count with a leadership, fort, successful, transforming, a true agent of change and not with a poor leadership and an excessive management. In the Venezuelan case that it concerns to us, especially in the enterprise sector of the SMEs, note much absence of managemental leadership, due to causes that no they have solved, among them: absence of knowledge of the modern managemental topics; inadequate handling of the persuasion, motivation and it influences for integration, cohesion of equipment; badly handling of the human resource of the company, the consumer, the suppliers; little initiative and inadequate direction in order to generate and to confront the changes; inefficient handling of the productivity, it influences, authority; little creativity and use of innovation according to the opportunities that appear; fear to the irrigations and uncertainty; inexperience before the scenes turbulent; excessive improvisation without measuring the consequences; inadequate competitiveness, absence of values, ethics, moral, among others.

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Theoretical Boarding

This work presents a theoretical boarding on the practical one of the professor and inside focuses four basic elements of the didactic performance, which had been called of challenges for formation and practical professor in the history education. They are: objective, content, methodology and evaluation. The objective of this study is to propitiate some reflections on the challenges faced for the history professor, in its professionalization while constructor of history, in way that to these takes it reflections to rethink its practical and to search improvement for its performance while educator. From the considered objective, one became a bibliographical research in books, magazines, research on-line, beyond relating such theoretical knowledge to the empirical knowledge, while educator. During the research it was verified that when if has support and subsidies of the school and the proper state it is excellent to construct and to delineate steps for a good education, but the lack of everything this makes to generate certain paradoxes around the professional of the education that does not find ways to stimulate the pupil to have taste for discipline, creating of this form barriers between professor and pupil and knowledge. Word-key: Formation, objective, methodology, evaluation and Education of history. In the deep one, the deep one, nobody form nobody.

It exists, yes, an autoone; ‘. Antnio Nvoa Discutir on the teaching formation and the education of History demonstrates to the eminent concern with the formation process and professional performance of the professor and as it becomes related in daily pedagogical practical its. It is known that the history education has acquired great changes in recent years. Already it is not more permissible than a historian develops its imprisoned lessons the definition of dates, formed concepts, that is, a lesson that does not reach the considered objectives that are to form individuals of critical vision before the historical facts.

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So Paulo

In Chile when I lived there in my time of exile, os' ' semeadores of palavras' ' in areas of agrarian reform they had been the alfabetizandos prprioscamponeses, that ' ' plantavam' ' in the trunks of the trees, svezes, in soils of the ways. (TRIVINOS, 2001, P. 174.). In the year of 1968 it concluded the seumais famous book, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, that he was published in you vary languages, But by questions politics, the book alone was published in Brazil after 1974. When it made one year that was emCambridge, Freire was changed for Geneva in Switzerland, where emreforma educational in Portuguese colonies in Africa acted as consulting, particularly nGuin-Bissau and in Moambique. Pablo returns to Brazil in 1980.

In 1989, duranteo government of Luiza Erundina, Freire was nominated secretary of Education dacidade of So Paulo (1989-1991). Leaving its mark in the Secretariat of Educaocom the creation of the Movement of Alfabetizao (IT MOVES). nvestors takes a slightly different approach. In 1986, its Elzamorreu wife. Two years later, in 1988, the educator was married the pernambucana AnMaria Arajo Freire, known as ' ' Nita' '. Freire died of an attack cardacoem 2 of May of 1997, in the Hospital Albert Einstein, So Paulo. 4.2desenvolvimento PEDAGOGIA FREIREANA Otrabalho de Pablo Freire had thematic origin and destinona of the illiteracy. For it, the alfabetizao was thought as uminstrumento of transformation of the reality about a dimension of culturallibertadora action, not having been never thought separately, when nospresenteia Freire in its workmanship, with ideas of that the freedom without limit is so negadaquanto the asfixiada or casatrada freedom (FREIRE, 1996, P.

40.). Freire noconsiderava the phenomenon of the illiteracy as deriving of personal lacks certain social groups queincapacitavam to learn, nor of the question of the atrasohistrico, to be surpassed by the development. The origin this in a historical situation deexplorao and of oppression. The inspiration of its work is born of two conceitosbsicos: the notion of conscience dominated more the subjective elements that acompem and the idea of that it has determined structures that conform the way to depensar and to act of the people.

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Body headed by his uncle – the Archduke Ludwig, and also included Metternich, Count Franz Anton Kolovrat-Libshtaynsky. In the reign of Ferdinand I von Metternich gained even greater independence. He has acted in accordance with its the concept of anti-revolutionary stabilization, internal and external policies of Metternich was indivisible. The design of the "system of Metternich" – censorship, surveillance, apolitical citizenship – has focused mainly on Austria. In foreign policy, Metternich sought to balance in Europe, in Germany pursued a policy of cooperation with Prussia, but did not want to know about the strengthening of the German Confederation.

The process of industrialization at this time the country is going so slowly, than in Germany. 1841 – Vienna bank collapse Gaymyuller, which caused financial and economic crisis. When Ferdinand I of the rights of little attention given to the introduction of new technologies in production, increase the activity of capital and creating opportunities for its investment. Failed, and eliminate dependence on agriculture, but above all there was no rapid acceleration of technological progress. The first decades of 19 th century were a time of birth of a large textile factory. In 1837 – was launched in Ljubljana on cotton mill, driven by steam.

In 1842 – came into effect on cotton-spinning factory. In 1843 – the first factory for the production of kid gloves. Visit Charles Schwab for more clarity on the issue. In the manufacture of woolen goods in the 40's prevailed work at home with the distribution of raw materials and provision of machines. Unbearable work in the factories led to stachesnomu movement in the 40's respectively.

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Portugal already not possua more the commercial monopoly of the products of the Brazilian colony. With the free commerce, Brazil met it a step of Independence. But in case that the Portuguese Crown had not yielded to the English, fatidicamente it would have resulted in the loss of the domestic territory which had to the high resultant costs of the natural dependence and necessities that possua the Society of Cut. A factor that influenciou the routes economic politicians and in Brazil from the beginning of century XIX will structuralize was it of the Portuguese Real Family in domestic territory. So that this establishment was possible, D. Joo VI created public distributions and ministries. Moreover, it dispossessed some property to accomodate about 15 a thousand people comings of Portugal, that had run away searching to keep the possibilities to preserve the Cut, keeping it ' ' intacta' '.

Not only this. It all had an investment in the Brazilian commerce, incentive to the arts and the Portuguese culture. Now new structures if had formed to take care of the Society of Cut. Brazil passes of colony for country. Not in the paper, but in social composition, this the least in Rio De Janeiro. We will analyze this subject more ahead. Ahead of the room of the Cut, economic estruturao, and the legitimacy of the Prince Dom Regent Joo VI, that exactly being in Brazil still he was the detainer of the Portuguese Throne, appeared then a new dynamics in the Brazilian elitist scene. It is important to remember that this elite was formed for land proprietors, noblemen, great import, military entrepreneurs and scholars, having in its great majority maons. However, in 1815, Napoleo Bonaparte was looser in Waterloo, thus finishing with the threat for Portugal and empecilho English them in reaching the commercial monopoly. Had to the incentives and investments directed only toward Brazil, in 1820 Portugal it enters in a economic crisis.

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