In Chile when I lived there in my time of exile, os' ' semeadores of palavras' ' in areas of agrarian reform they had been the alfabetizandos prprioscamponeses, that ' ' plantavam' ' in the trunks of the trees, svezes, in soils of the ways. (TRIVINOS, 2001, P. 174.). In the year of 1968 it concluded the seumais famous book, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, that he was published in you vary languages, But by questions politics, the book alone was published in Brazil after 1974. When it made one year that was emCambridge, Freire was changed for Geneva in Switzerland, where emreforma educational in Portuguese colonies in Africa acted as consulting, particularly nGuin-Bissau and in Moambique. Pablo returns to Brazil in 1980.

In 1989, duranteo government of Luiza Erundina, Freire was nominated secretary of Education dacidade of So Paulo (1989-1991). Leaving its mark in the Secretariat of Educaocom the creation of the Movement of Alfabetizao (IT MOVES). nvestors takes a slightly different approach. In 1986, its Elzamorreu wife. Two years later, in 1988, the educator was married the pernambucana AnMaria Arajo Freire, known as ' ' Nita' '. Freire died of an attack cardacoem 2 of May of 1997, in the Hospital Albert Einstein, So Paulo. 4.2desenvolvimento PEDAGOGIA FREIREANA Otrabalho de Pablo Freire had thematic origin and destinona of the illiteracy. For it, the alfabetizao was thought as uminstrumento of transformation of the reality about a dimension of culturallibertadora action, not having been never thought separately, when nospresenteia Freire in its workmanship, with ideas of that the freedom without limit is so negadaquanto the asfixiada or casatrada freedom (FREIRE, 1996, P.

40.). Freire noconsiderava the phenomenon of the illiteracy as deriving of personal lacks certain social groups queincapacitavam to learn, nor of the question of the atrasohistrico, to be surpassed by the development. The origin this in a historical situation deexplorao and of oppression. The inspiration of its work is born of two conceitosbsicos: the notion of conscience dominated more the subjective elements that acompem and the idea of that it has determined structures that conform the way to depensar and to act of the people.