On new-acropolis.es him, he comments with respect the phenomenon of his sores, stigmatisations, that its body reproduced during last the 50 years of its life the sores of Christ in hand, feet and flank, hurt that throughout that time they were bleeding with clean a red blood and, at no infected moment. The duration of the stigmata of Po Father is more it releases of all the well-known ones. It began the 20 of September of 1918 and it only stopped, without leaving track, with its death, 50 years later, the 23 of September of 1968. It is not possible to be denied indicates the source, that we were before an exceptional fact. Has not been natural explanation to this phenomenon. They do not lack the skeptics who assure that the stigmata are product of the psychopathy, the addiction to the magic and the superstition, or simply a farce.

The Provincial one of the Order commanded to photograph hands, feet and flank and sent these documents to the Vatican, but in addition they made him be recognized by numerous specialists who put under to him deep medical examinations. The wounds were there, bleeding light and almost continuously. Po Father used average dark wool gloves by day to hide his hands. The blood spots are not seen and it absorbs them to the wool. At night he uses gloves of white cotton that to the dawn are soaked in blood. Washes it them and prepares his cell.

The wound of the flank also bleeds of continuous. It takes one widens bandage coiled to the chest that renews two or three times to the day. The wounds of the feet are of the same characteristics that those of the hands. When low of the altar to take to the communion to the faithfuls his step he is uncertain, slow, vacillating, like delivering an attack of contained pain. After the event of the sores, its ordinary life continued externally as if nothing had happened. It goes to the choir, it eats in the refectory with the other monks, does length short while of oration and it takes care of confessions per hours and hours, with an own, charismatic, vertical style, to the point of being called the missionary outside series. The rest of the monks is admired of their endurance, afflicted as it were of so many pains, not only the bleeding sores, but also numerous diseases that the doctors of their time did not manage to cure. One says that, the gifts of the Italian priest were, according to their believers: Extraordinary discernment: capacity you bring back to consciousness to read them, gift that used frequently during the ministry of the sacrament of the Penance. Prophecy: it could announce events of the future, including the arrival to papado of Pablo I SAW and Juan Pablo II. Treatment: you cure miraculous by the power of the oration. Bilocacin: to be in two places at the same time. Perfume: the blood of their stigmata had fragrance of flowers. Tears: it included/understood the mysteries of the Rosary until the tears. Stigmata: it received the stigmata the 20 of September of 1918 and it took until his death 50 years later to them. The doctors who observed the stigmata of Po Father could not make heal their sores nor give explanation of them. They calculated that it lost a glass of daily blood, but their sores never became infected.