Today Thursday 1 of March 2012 enters in force the Real Decree that popularly develops the new legislation that it tries to avoid the illegal unloading of contents protected by rights of author in Internet, well-known like Law Sinde-Wert. The new Executive of Mariano Rajoy approved the new regulation antiunloadings the 30 of December of 2011, approved of majority way in Cortes and dated 1 of March to enter in force. This Real Decree starts up the section second of the Commission of Intellectual Property, composed by a group of civil servants, of the ministries of Education, Culture and Sport; Industry, Energy and Tourism; Economy and Competitiveness; and Presidency. This commission will serve as bridge between the proprietors of the author rights and the owners of the pages Webs, with the intention to reestablish the legality in Internet. This supposes that the members of the Commission will have to be able to even ask for the retirement of contents and the closing of the pages lodge that them or connect without permission of the holders. The process always it will begin from a request of the holder of these rights of author, initiating therefore an administrative process that can last around 20 days, and in that the Central Court of the Contentious Office staff will have to pronounce itself until in two occasions if the owners of the Web do not decide retirement contents. Once accepted to proceeding a request, an authorization request is asked the judge to identify the person in charge, to whom will contact itself next to inform to him. This one has 48 hours from that moment to retire contents or to present/display allegations.

Later there is a term of deliberation, after which if the Commission thinks that there is infringement again asks for the judicial intervention, that in last instance decides on the distant interruption or. Finally, the execution of this judicial decision can be voluntary or unavoidable, in which case it will be asked for (like at the time of identifying) the collaboration of the lender of services of Internet (companies of telecommunications). From the closing of Megaupload by the most popular intervention of the FBI, pages in Spain of services of unloadings and ' streaming' , they take to a time retiring connections. Nevertheless, today Thursday is their date limit. udea Security of the Information Department of Marketing and Communication source: