Tag: education

The Absolutism

In this direction, we also make one brief revision of the attributions imputed for the reform of years 90, in what he concerns the institution more directly college student: the evaluation, the autonomy and the regimen politician. Ademais, we point final questionings, without the pretension of ready answers, regarding as this university reform reached the school in what respect to the formation and the daily professor is said. EVALUATION, AUTONOMY AND REGIMEN POLITICIAN: THE PROFESSOR AND PRACTICAL OF TEACHING FORMATION AHEAD OF THIS SCENE ' ' If in the old order was God who won the Devil, was the virtue that dominated the vice, and was the divine favour that the new free man created? ' ' free for the favour of Deus' ' – in the new order who would have to be the education would win the barbarity, would move away the darknesses from the ignorance and would constitute the citizen. (…) The pedagogia acquired in the forms to represent the social one, a centralidade politics never had before. It passed to be thought as central mechanism about the separation of the old order for the new order. That one, rejected as time of the barbarity, ignorance, servitude, absolutism; this exaltada as rationality time, civilization, freedom and participation. A representation that finished occulting the barbarity, the absolutism and the exploration of the new capitalist order.

(ARROYO, 1993, pp. .36-37). Thus if expressing, the author comments as the school if he articulated during the times for the formation of the modern man in its scientific base associate to the alterations in the production of the material life, as well as Popkewitz (1997, p.75) defines the professionalization of the knowledge: ' ' as well as the humanismo of century XVIII, the public rhetoric of the end of century XIX confirmed noble myths of the Iluminismo, but she interpreted the world and the individuality through specific scientific speeches, formed inside of the professional communities.

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Professional Formation

To follow the data found in the description of the carried through interview: 1 – Which its area of professional formation? it disciplines of graduation R: graduated social communication with qualification in journalism for the UEPG? Master in journalism for the UFSC. 2? Which its area of performance? R: substitute professor? 40 hours – Course of graduation in journalism; – Biblioteconomia UFSC; – methodology of the research in communication; – theories of the communication; – Politics of the communication; – Techniques of projects in communication; – communication for nutrition. 3 – How it was its first meeting as professor? R: the time between the official notice and the delivery of documentation was very short, therefore I worked in the RPC as trainee and I had made a selective test in the UNIBRASIL in Curitiba? PR, one in the UEPG and another one in the UFSC? SC, I was called in the UNIBRASIL and after that in the UFSC, as the position was of substitute professor I signed the contract in day and in the other already it was in classroom. Three groups with 30/40 pupils each group, being four lessons in the matutino turn, four in vespertine turn and two in the nocturnal turn. I am a person very organized, had kept all material who my person who orientates sends and then the first lessons I worked the summaries, presenting the plans of lessons.

At the beginning I presented a video? History of sc. XX, with one it has filmed intitled ' ' we who we are for you esperamos&#039 here; ' I worked on of this subject. 4 – You had difficulties in the relationship with its pupils? If the reply he will be yes, what he made and as made to solve such difficulties? Yes, I had difficulties and the biggest difficulties had been: To perceive that the group did not like reading, the solution was to work with fichamentos.

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