In the comparative method the similarities and differences can be collated that will be identified between the cities of the State, observing phenomena of concentration of the formal job, number of establishment and average value of the remuneration in the municipal economic units, according to National Classification of Atividade Econmica (CNAE). For the historical method, that on the basis of has for purpose auxiliary in the understanding of the current productive structures the facts and events of investment politics and generation of economic dynamic of the past in different periods, correlated to the paradigms of the development and categories politics, economic, cultural, between outros.5.2 REA OF SELECIONADANeste STUDY project it is delimited as space of analysis of the dynamics of the productive structure the State of Par, with a territorial area of 1.247.689, 66 Km2 admitting its current composition of 143 cities, distributed in six mesorregies in accordance with the official data of the Institute Brazilian of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE). However, in the application of the metodolgicos instruments, this project will adopt the clipping of the State Government of the Regions of Integration, published in Official gazette of the State DONATES n 30128 in 09/02/04. These Regions define spaces with similarities of occupation, social level and economic dynamism, and whose cities keep integration between itself wants physics wants economically. The election of the Regions of Integration as study area, becomes crucial for the research, in the measure where the planning of the actions of the State Government through the Plurianual Plan? PPA obeys this configuration, and allows to effect comparisons at different historical moments. The government of the state one homologated 12 regions with the objective to define spaces that can be combined of form to be informing of the process of reduction of the regional inaqualities and in the implantation of programs that take care of to the problems and identified necessities.