The consumer will have until December to buy an car zero with Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) reduced. In accordance with the decision announced in 29 of June for the government, the current incentives will be extending until the September end. From October, the tax will be raised gradual until arriving at the level daily pay-crisis, in January of 2010.A disinvesting of a charge of the IPI was one of the elements that had guaranteed to the automotivo sector the recovery of the sales throughout the first semester. The president of the National Association of the Manufacturers of Automachine Vehicles (Anfavea), Jackson Schneider, said that the closed result of the first semester – not yet divulged – must show to an increase in the commercialization of vehicles in the comparison with the first half of the year passado.' ' We will have to close this semester with a new record of vendas' ' , the announcement of the government affirmed the executive after, in solemnity in the Palace of the Itamaraty. For the president of the Anfavea, the measures of the new package ' ' they are vehement in the direction to keep the activity economic in the Pas' '.

Measures anunciadasO IPI charged on the vehicles of a thousand piston displacements, for example, will follow with aliquot zero until the September end. In October, the tribute will start to have an aliquot one of 1,5%, going up for 3% in November, 5% in December and retaking the 7% level, from January. In the case of trucks, the discounting in the tribute valley up to 31 of December. The production of motions was benefited with the extension until September of the disinvesting of a charge of the collection of the PIS/Cofins. Beyond the extension of granted benefits already, the government decided to guarantee to the sector of similar treatment industrial goods, zeroing the aliquot one of the incident IPI on 70 item.