As already discussed in the initial entry automediaci n, misuse of drugs brings nothing but negative consequences for our body, which can be damaged to a greater or lesser extent. These damages will be greater or lesser degree, depending on several factors, which affect mainly the type of medication in question, since it is not the same carry out the action to self-medicate with the use of generic drugs and substances for which no prescription is required, that those for whom it is necessary. So it is with antibiotics.The main problem with antibiotics usually comes with the leap of default patterns to the doctor, the welfare state interacting with the aim of using the antibiotic, when making his schedule has not yet been completed. Antibiotics kill bacteria are responsible, namely the bacteria responsible for infection / disease and so on. which the patient suffers. When a person receives antibiotic treatment, recovery begins with the destruction of much of the bacteria causing the disease. When the bulk of bacteria has been eliminated, the effects or symptoms of disease tend to vanish, resulting in the physical recovery of the individual.This does not mean you end the problem, since the disappearance of symptoms not usually associated with complete elimination of bacteria. This is the shock that leads to misuse of antibiotics, usually the individual does not realize or are unaware of the bacterial cause of disease, which is seen as a set of symptoms and the cessation of these symptoms means healing for this guy, when really only a phase. In summary, this leads to a small bacterial strain is not completely eliminated, due to insufficient exposure to antibiotics.The biggest problem comes when, due to the survival of this exposure, some of the bacteria produces a resistance to this drug, resistance will be transmitted to their thousands and millions of r plcias of subsequent generations.The result, relapse occurs in bacterial disease and what is worse, antibiotics will not be used as effectively, but could be harmless. The issue is serious, and serious, therefore, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs has undertaken to sensitize the population through a campaign on the use of these antibiotics, which is published herewith: