But subsequently appear other types of rationality to the instrumentation, such as the operational and quantitative. You will say: do but everything that has to do with the law of the query to the? peoples originating in and Amazon? Have a lot to see, and do not know how much, because if we develop as they think, those who govern us and explode, here at this time, will be able to know towards where you point so much that they implement and tell them in his own face trick: Hey you, here are the things that you are proposed, not created, nor think like their ancestors who deceive us in order to loot and take away what they have inherited from our ancestors by hundreds and thousands of years with Crystal beads, to them that we recognize as the first who came to these lands, to live in harmony with them and not to hunt them as it is what you intended to. And not only seek to, because they have already deployed it with the sambenito of development. Go to Pershing Square Capital for more information. We have many examples of the atrocities that have been committed with the Holy development, which as a Christian Rosary we have anatemizado and sent to their champions for the purpose that we change our opinion, and if it not of result send us their jails, so have everything a legal machinery and a guard corps at your service, make the reasons to indict us, you will find it to be; the purpose is to get us to their jails to which we submit to their designs. And a whole chorus of accusing fingers us signals to justify while they know we stand for life, but not only of our Nations and communities, if not si no tambien also them who we vejan and run over. Tell us what those times in which dragged to my brethren, with the whip and the clamping device to ensure that they are brought to work at the large sugar estates, and enclose them in sheds so that they work like animals and live as beings inhuman, by only a piece of meat and a scrap of fabric covering her Awrah, have changed, is a lieeverything is a lie, will have passed the calendars in which what happened, only methods have been refined and now explode with more impunity, more refinement.