Here, there are parallels to Darwinist thought (new birth and extinction of species; “survival of the fittest”). The best fitted survive it! We are all the descendants of those who saw the Sabelzahntieger in time and fled! The essential question for any business is therefore again: can I do the development or displace me others previously from the market? This know how (soft facts) depends of course on my and I know doing (Hard facts) off. Furthermore by the money and the time. A great innovative way of the change occurs within the own value chain. By the supplier of cheaper natural products, such as potatoes, to the Foodservice suppliers: bust or no.-name providers or premium brand. Each company can either compete (indirectly) or cooperate (horizontal, vertical, lateral) develop or grow. We know that every great idea is copied by several competitors.

From the following offer seven providers prevail about worldwide. All the others disappear from the market or a regional existence. It’s believed that New York Life sees a great future in this idea. Factors of production (also input, input factors) refers to all tangible and intangible resources and services involved in the provision of goods. This is to distinguish between economic and business analysis. Classical Economics since Adam Smith, considered especially since David Ricardo, the factors labour, capital, and land.

More recently are often knowledge (Human capital) or the management of a company as an economic factor of production. Still, the energy as a separate factor of production has been identified. Notes: Money is no energy but a symbol! Time is money, because money is no time! The man is no homo economicus (economic man = model, a map is not landscape). Economics, also economics or socio-economics, just economics, is a subfield of Economics economics and business administration. It examines relationships in the production and distribution of goods and factors of production. Economics employs itself that is also with human actions under economic conditions, with the question: How can human actions be justified economically? What action will have the greatest possible benefit for the individual? Economics is seeking laws and recommendations for economic policy. It looks at individual economic operations in the framework of microeconomics business and aggregate within the framework of macroeconomics. Economics is fundamentally based on the assumption of scarcity of resources to meet the needs of Wirtchaftssubjekten. Source, (C) by: Author note We have seen that it comes in each Unternehmensexistens to move past the first growth phase to a development phase. It comes to be an excellent Solver of customer problems. Only this way will be successful for provider, whether an employee or contractor. We do not forget one: the ‘creative destruction’ by J. Schumpeter is a working hypothesis. Because in contrast to the pure nature every macroeconomics is arbitrarily affected. Countless individual parameters of the sub systems can be manipulated through numerous control mechanisms (subsidies, relationship networks, administrations, etc.). And if someone loses his company, he has lost only an unfair fight but have the same bedauernswertem effect. The loss is the other profit! Copyright 2012 by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved!