You can not only taste the specialties, but also take home a variety of delicacies – goose and duck liver, seasoned hams, sausages, sweets, honey, wine, cider, beer, chocolate. And all of this, which is especially nice, freshest and at prices far below retail-. Learn not from books Someone goes to gastronomic tours, to try to prepare as others, and someone is willing to drive around half the world to learn how to skillfully juggle tastes. For the latter, there is a special direction tion gastronomic tourism -Training in the famous culinary schools or classes with a "star" chefs. It is worth noting that knowledge – the goods are not cheap, just try any deli will cost you much less money than how to cook them. Over the course of "foie gras and truffles," the school Les Liaisons Delicieuses, for example, expect to pay from 1,700 to 4,900 euros. The nine-month training course at the Paris branch of the world famous Le Cordon Bleu Academy is seemingly not so expensive -39 500 euros, but money is not everything limited.

For enrollment, which looms at the end of Le Grand Diploma, must have a university degree, fluency in English to a very high level – IELTS 6.5 – and at least a year to work in their specialty. No higher education? Then five years. You are not a professional? Then you are only ten-courses – Culinary Arts. To get the basic skills of the Parisian pastry chef will have to "make a cash" 5200 euros.