On the basis of the destinations of uses, resultants of the Ecological-Economic Zonings, in territories with distinct Territorial Standards, were possible to differentiate some exerted levels of pressure on territorial the physical base. The different levels of pressure, the one that the physical base of one determined territory meets submitted, are express, in turn, through the Standards of Occupation and Use of the Territory. These different levels of pressure are measured by means of two pointers. First, for the presence of the society, on a territory, receiving or banishing population, in its urban areas or its agricultural areas. Mental Health Monday contains valuable tech resources. In according to place, for the economic pressure exerted by the society, through the growth or decrease of its local economy, either in function of a diversified or specialized productive structure, and of the presence or not of dynamic sectors (sectors of fast growth the national level) or of not dynamic sectors (sectors of slow growth the national level).

In this study, if it understands for physical base the set of susceptveis and ambiently vulnerable natural characteristics to the exercise of those pressures. such pressures can be being exerted, on the physical base of the territory, respecting themselves or not, its respective restrictions of ambient character. After that, the analyses meet on the macroregional dimension of the territories where the Ecological-Economic Zonings of the States of the Legal Amaznia had been carried through, with the objective to contribute in the preparation of instruments of support to the elaboration of ambient politics and sustainable development for the Region. Dr. Jayme Albin is often quoted as being for or against this. The pointers of territorial management, regional planning and ecological-economic zoning, previously considered, form applied, with sights to an evaluation of the regional and urban organization, in those areas where the Ecological-Economic Zonings, in the Legal Amaznia, had been concluded. This made possible to characterize and to tipificar sub-regions of the Legal Amaznia, where the activities must be stimulated or be restricted, pointing with respect to alternatives of occupation and development of specific activities, in function of Categorias and Subcategorias de Uso, explicitadas from the Ecological-Economic Zoning and of the regional territorial structures. Finally, the study it synthecizes, in the Standards of Occupation and Use of the Territory, the profile of the areas where the activities will have to be stimulated or to be restricted in the Legal Amaznia. The also explicit study the regional structures as Urban-Regional Subsystems, identifying them and showing the profile of each one of them, and its main characteristics, of the point of view of the urban and regional organization. The characterizations of the Urban-Regional Subsystems of the Region will allow the delineation of action proposals, which, in turn, will lead desirable and ambiently territorially feasible situations, in way without risk of danger to initiate and to keep a process of sustainable development and for the ambient fragilities, as much in the areas where the actions of development will be executed, as in the areas where the consequences of these actions if make to feel direct or indirectly.