Modern education to the elderly directs focus heavily on health promotion all slowly that prevent students their upper body to front. Almost in slow motion, they rise from her chair and doing feel the increasing body tension between the basin and their feet. Until they finally are. This note, how is shifting the pressure of her whole weight on the feet. A quick glance shows in the classroom of the school for elderly care Forum vocational training, where there is a major focus of the school concept. With kinesthetic exercises, the future elderly care nurse schools an important basis for their later working life the conscious movement and self-awareness. We want our students to maintain their own health and promote”, explains the principal Annekathrin Pentz. The background for the modern concept of the State-approved vocational school for elderly care Forum vocational training is quite simple: only who can take care of himself, is able to maintain others.

These theme. This is the vocational training college in addition to topics such as healthy eating in shifts,”relaxation techniques or also exercise an integral part of the training. Vocational school is for elderly Forum vocational training in the vocational school faculty as a pioneer. Expertise alone is one in many other schools and nursing facilities. Kinesthetic is only a side issue.

Although the topic of central importance, there generally have great reluctance to trainers and employers”, confirms the kinesthetic coach Markus Wenniger, successfully offered integrated movement training for the vocational training FORUM college students in the classroom. Unfortunately a compared school exception. No time. I do not know. I’m not that reactions are often,”he says. This protects the health of not only the correct body mechanics, but ensures even faster and more effective work. To keep healthy and moving properly especially back-friendly and power-saving – is given high standards of the nursing profession A and O. And it lays the Foundation for a long working life. The loads in the nursing profession are sometimes so high that it can even lead to an early task of the profession,”Stefanie emphasizes Krampe. The Altenpflegerin and teacher at the vocational school of the FORUM of vocational education and training therefore developed a concept which anchored health maintenance and prevention within the training and also immediately integrated the topic with various activities of the master plan in all subjects with their bachelor’s thesis. “Jonny Pentz: our goal is to integrate that this characterizes the behavior of the students sustained this offer so in training.” Because only a healthy and health-conscious nurse can convince professionally professionally. In addition the training of personal competence to change the perspective: just the ability to register foreign needs quickly and to react to it correctly accounts for nursing professionalism. Training is this change of perspective Shadow day”a practice day at the nursing home. Thereby, students practice observing and perceiving. The trainees run just like a shadow”, explains Jonny Pentz this modern care training module. Whether in theory and practice: goals this modern training modules are the health of care and high-quality assistance for to care. A good way, the image of education profession of of care for the elderly in public which seems to improve. On the Jobmedi in Berlin at the 20.9.2013 10:15 Stefanie lecturing Krampe free “Perspective – practical nursing education”, the training and retraining to the / r elderly care nurse/Altenpflegerin Forum focuses on vocational education and training.