score. Credit files created by the Finance Bureau of are not always free from errors. When the staff of the said Bureau prepares the credit report, they may make some wrong entries. They may miss some data to include. If the borrower chances to verify the credit report, it is possible for him to identify the mistakes. He can get the credit report corrected.

This may enable him eligible for securing finance. He can move this way if he knows that he can avail free credit score. It may happen that there is no error in the credit report and that his credit score is less than what is required to qualify for loan. Even then, he can take steps to improve his credit status if he learns the actual state of affair well in advance. He can plan beforehand and apply for finance at appropriate time. ‘How can one get a credit report?’ this is what once should type on the space provided in any search engine. Yes, it is so easy in the age of the internet. He can get access to his credit file and can know free credit score easily. Anthony Brian is author of free credit score in the UK.For more information about credit score, credit score range visit