When the weather turns cold, we are more likely to have throat pain. Most typical diseases of the throat tend to be caused by several factors. Cold smoke the infection of angina speak high or shouting have been exposed to dust or dirt somewhere. Drinking something cold. All of these factors may be cause to end up with an unbearable pain in throat. Fortunately, there are remedies that can help us to cure sore throat naturally. Remove sore throat: drink honey and lemon infusions slowly.

Gargle with bicarbonate of soda. Take one tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. Avoid breathing through your mouth. Avoid being in places with dust, smoke etc. Try to always wear well plugged throat and isolate it from the cold. Do not smoke or drink cold drinks. Apply hot packs during the day. Try to stay at home during the first few days to avoid worse the State of throat. In case of cough, will have to know first of all the reasons by those who have it, and depending on the cause, We will act with a series of remedies or others to cure cough. It is important to know that when the cough is accompanied by fever, it is necessary to visit your doctor to rule out any throat infection that can cause more serious problems. Original author and source of the article