One can imagine the expectation level that will have generated the announcement of this plan between the citizens Spaniards. He is to also imagine the uncertainty of them about the possibilities of success that can get to have this plan in obtaining not only the economic recovery of the country, but also the solidification of his economy and its protection so that in the future he is not so fragile before situations as the present one. In several of the articles in which I talked about Spain, like for example in the last of month principles What so badly is Spain? , it commented to them which were the main problems by which it crosses the Spanish economy. Reason why it is seen of the measures, the same must like objective do against all the problems that mentioned and some more also. We see Spain has suffered as few countries in the zone of have done it to the Euro, the inflationary problem. It is that its high dependency energetics caused that they feel totally inside the economy, the happened thing lately with the international price of the energy.

On the other hand, Spain suffers of problems of competitiveness, and is for that reason that the present strength of the dollar has been a hard blow for the Spanish companies. For this reason, all tending action to improve the productivity and efficiency of the companies, is of great value for the same. The reforms in the area energetics, also will imply a benefit for the competitiveness of the Spanish companies. And along with the reform in the power sector the projects contemplated for the infrastructure sector, are also of great relevance to prop up the competitiveness and the efficiency of the Spanish economy. The importance of the real estate sector in Spain and the residential deficit that suffers, cause that very all project is valued to facilitate the access to the house for the Spanish families.

It as well, would help to reactivate to one of the most important sectors of the economy, like the real estate sector. Are these measures the suitable ones? The first impression that they generate to me is that, to be successful the reform, Spain it would manage to reduce his vulnerability against the context international and to the monetary policy of the BCE. Spain has against himself the challenge to deactivate all those factors that do to their vulnerable economy, and seems that it is finding the way. A warning that is due to do on the matter, is that beyond the favorable that can get to be this project of reform, by the necessary times for its execution, not it can hope that reaches to have an effect of short term, beyond a possible modification in the expectations of the deprived sector, reason why it is probable that the Spanish economy continues journeying by the same footpath comes that it doing, in the next months.