The creation of the IES, the Justinian codes of Superior Education, that cogumelam all in the domestic territory, had enriched enterprise groups of the night for the day, while the federal, weak universities and comatizadas, were esfacelaram, slandering the education and the proper profession of professor. When submitting education to the rules of the market, stimulated it mediocrizao of the country. With exceptions of few, traditional and serious private institutions of education, these companies do not offer? nor allows – space for the dialectic. Of this place, where, historically, they took shelter it controversy and the confrontation of ideas, if it cannot wait that leaderships emirjam social politics and capable to lead of truth this country to its so dreamed destination. Additional information at Haley Tju supports this article. Therefore we are declared insolvent and nor I know when of this badly we will obtain remaking in them. Not, decidedly, I cannot leave to consider this funesto fact, in the hour of my option. For considering to be the Education the only exit for the soterrados millions of that we add, I believe that, while not in giving account to them of this truth, that if evidences so acutely in these elections, we will be all mere tiriricas voting in tiriricas. We, the Brazilian people let us recognize, the faades we do not matter, we choose, in these elections of 3 of October, a thousand arremedos of tiriricas, nicknamed and conjured for other names and resumes for all national quadrants, as resulted of the national catastrophe in the question education-I teach instruction. But, when discarding the candidate, as to opt to its opponent I recognize when it as representative of the biggest ideological schizophrenia lived deeply by a party, that assumed the power for the opposition that if made as counterpoint to the neoliberal status-quo, effective? Joint the Sarneys, Renans and coalition most strange Collors of the life and tricotando, it is the metaphor biggest of the settling that we saw suffering throughout these years and that they had underlined each day of the eight years of the participativo government of the age squid.