Why is the care insurance so criminally neglected? The statutory long-term care insurance offer only basic protection. A care case a supply gap in the majority of cases, because the performance of the statutory long-term care insurance and their own pension not sufficient to compensate for the remaining maintenance costs. Why is the care insurance so criminally neglected? Because, when asked once in the circle of acquaintances, whether any member of the family must be maintained or has been maintained, the answers are Yes always”. How is it then that many people not on this topic consult? Especially where the statutory long-term care insurance not nearly covers the cost of long-term care. BECAUSE: The statutory long-term care insurance offer only basic protection. A care case a supply gap in the majority of cases, because the performance of the statutory long-term care insurance and their own pension not sufficient to compensate for the remaining maintenance costs. Even you may have to Members pay for the costs. Who want to avoid strong financial burdens for himself and his family, should complete a maintenance benefit insurance.

In addition, that the legislator says children are responsible for your parents! Here an example: your widowed mother suffering from dementia, and it is likely that she must be placed in a nursing home. Her mother has a pension of 800,–euro and a House paid-off, otherwise there is no asset. A recognized care level III and accommodation in an inpatient care facility, your mother gets carer 1432,–euro. Unfortunately, accommodation in such a facility costs on average 3000,–euros. If we now add up the pension and care that makes 2232,–euros. 768,–euros are missing so monthly. That makes cost of 46.080,–euro in five years maintenance. Well, can you afford it? Precisely for this reason, there are additional care.

Save the assets for long-term care. Here you will find the services of list of statutory long-term care insurance. It is a good news, now also the dementia disease recorded in the catalog of the long-term care insurance. But unfortunately there is not enough usually costs to cover. An older couple can not afford most to keep his house, when a partner must be maintained. As in the above example are 100.000,–euro assets consumed over 10 years. An insurance comparison in post performance and worth it anyway, because there are many different rates, and it is advisable to choose a plan which envisages performance also at care level I and II care level. Caution! Maintenance control occur before surprising situations. They get the prompt to pay maintenance for your father, they have not seen since their 3.Lebensjahr from the Sozialgericht. Whether you find it fair or not they are obliged to keep! Learn more about insurance under