1. Evaluation priorities sometimes we overloading of things to do and this causes us anxiety. We sobredimensionamos many of them and us acasionan fears, disability and fear to deal with them. We need to put in writing the things that we have to do and organise our time. The fact of putting them in writing already is a first step to reduce stress. When we write, in some way we are focusing our objectives, we can know more easily towards where we are heading and thus better preserve calm. Organized people suffer less time pressure.

The things that are urgent must be resolved on that day so that they do not start to be cause of stress. Importantly must be speeded up so don’t become urgent. Postpone what we must do, only serves to increase tension in our life. generally postponemos what little we like to do, therefore, is always the unpleasant what awaits us at the end of each task. 2 Safety self-esteem has as a main foundation trust and security in ourselves.

A person with low self-esteem is easy prey to stress. There is a law in the universe of cause and effect that occurs in all things, if we act properly we will well. The happiness of tomorrow depends on how today Act, as well as today is the result of yesterday. Security comes from knowledge, fear and fear are given in ignorance. If there are few circumstances and facts that make us feel unsafe, few will be stress causes that we have. We must realize that we are made to succeed, the difficult situations we must face them with courage and deal with them calmly. If we act always so sure of ourselves, without leaving in career, will be very little stress that may affect us, are its victims by our weakness and apparent vulnerability.