Did not associate himself with the affairs of the world, and tho ‘thy will be silent about you (82, 203). The kingdom of God is the destruction of all sin. In the heart, which reigned the kingdom of God, even though the enemies are trying to sow evil, bringing sinful thoughts, but thoughts are not finding a man of sympathy, do not bring any fruit. Abba Isaiah (82, 211). Constrained ourselves to the incessant labor of prayer before God in his heart, which is of pure thought, full of emotion, and God will keep your mind from impure and vile thoughts. Reverend Isaac (82, 249).

Located (in the temptation of thoughts) can be likened to a person who has engaged the the left side of himself and a container of water on the right, and when he lit the fire, then take the water from the vessel and quench the fire. (Fire-seed the enemy, and the water-dwell themselves before God) (82, 334). Note Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov) This way of dealing against sinful thoughts are actions and can be used when there is a monk in his cell. It is used with success nun Mary of Egypt. If anyone by typing snakes or scorpions, to build them into the vessel and close up, then they will soon die, and evil thoughts, planted by demons, destroyed patience. Reverend Pimen the Great (82, 342). Be the gatekeeper of his heart that were not included in it alien, constantly asking the incoming thoughts: Art thou, or from our enemies?