The reason for this lies in the continuing trend of consumers, preferred short-term Contracts to agree. There is a clear reluctance on long-standing contractual ties to insurers, such as, for example, pensions for old-age provision. “So it is not surprising also that Germany’s broker a normal” demand behaviour of customers primarily in the area of elementary safeguards report: the 3 most commonly from 27 products in the last quarter were consequently also the occupational disability insurance, home insurance and private liability insurance. All door openers to the sustainable and comprehensive customer relationship in terms of financial services. My home is my castle while other occupational groups in relevant surveys also complain that the financial crisis into negative radiates itself up in private life, so the mediators here by far not so affected find themselves. While for example 87% of managers appreciate the image of their profession in March 2009 dramatically worse than a year ago, this negative perception just once applies to almost 29% of the mediator.

Throughout the Opposite: Almost 31% of brokers are convinced that the image of the intermediary in the public has improved in the last year. Still very interesting: 60% of managers said that her personal justification pressure due to the financial crisis has increased. The mediators are only”26%, which indicated that the personal customers, friends or family to have to justify himself, pressures. Light at the end of the tunnel but: there are some positive signals. So then but the optimists prevail in assessing the future: 44% of brokers expect an improvement for 2009 and are of the opinion that the year despite crisis overall is better for them than 2008 almost 19% expect a result as in the previous year. Facing the future after the crisis, the proportion of those who fear a negative impact due to the financial and economic crisis, is low.