Most people who decide that they do need to lose weight in order to improve their appearance, but the health benefits of good nutrition and exercise program are even more valuable. Study after study has shown that obesity is a major threat to longevity and good health, but many people are not even aware that they are medically obese – the generally accepted definition of obesity is more than 25% body fat in men, and more than 32% of body fat for women. Ebay has plenty of information regarding this issue. An estimated 20% of American adults fit this profile. The problems get worse with time: An average American adult takes up a pound every year after age 25, ie, people of middle age many have risen by 25 pounds or more. To make matters worse, your metabolism naturally decreases with age, while at the same time, sedentary adults tend to lose a pound of muscle every year of inactivity, further depressing metabolism. The dangers of excess body fat ranging from insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

If you are overweight, your heart has to work harder to supply fresh blood to the body, making everything simple break even more effort. Over time, this extra effort is made larger, resulting in damage to the heart muscle. Obesity also comes with an increased risk of high cholesterol, which may increase the potential for development of atherosclerosis, in which blood flow in the arteries gradually becomes clogged by plaque deposits, depriving the internal organs of supply adequate blood and causing the heart to pump harder, increasing blood pressure. 25% of heart problems today can be directly attributed to obesity. While many people may be aware that obesity can damage the heart, few are aware that it may also result in an increased risk of cancer – in men, overweight comes with an increased risk of prostate and colon cancer, while for women the risk of uterine and breast cancer is significantly higher. It is believed that excess body fat serves as storage for carcinogenic toxins in the body. The good news is that weight loss can get rid of most of the damage caused by excess body fat and reduce risk factors for cancer and heart disease, in fact, studies have shown that losing only 10-15% of their body weight can improve your overall heart health and cholesterol levels, even more than prescription drugs in many cases. People who lose weight and get regular exercise have proved to be eight times less likely to die of cancer and heart disease, and 53% less likely to die of other diseases. Even if you took several years to implement a healthy lifestyle, the long-term results are worth it.