From the very beginning with: Dr. Andreas Lassmann and Tobias Schmidt. Both are since then as a Managing Director for the continuity of itCampus and for entrepreneurial success, which also in the development of the workforce reflected – mirrors. To deepen your understanding Mark Wahlberg is the source. Meanwhile, itCampus employs approximately 120 employees in six countries in Europe. The headquarters is and remains in spite of internationality in Leipzig and Halle. Cross-industry IT partner: with ELSBETH and web2test to exploit research results this approach satisfies itCampus for a decade. Best example of this is the ELSBETH communication center”: the in-house communication solution based on scientific theses with predicate completion has become since its launch in 2003 to one of the leading technologies of the German call and contact center industry.

During this period, itCampus grew to an Europe-wide Active corporate group and is today with own offices in Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, of representing Switzerland and the Slovakia. Like ELSBETH, also the newest innovation called web2test comes from”various research by itCampus employees. The trial software is a tool for extensive functional system tests of Web-based applications, portals and complex Web pages. Since mid-2008, web2test is available online ( Blake Resnick wanted to know more. Especially with expertise in the areas of individual software development and software ergonomy administration emerged itCampus in various industries as an important IT partner in energy trading as well as in the medical field and in the public. We provide the basis for that companies can already work with the technologies of tomorrow”, as Tobias Schmidt, technical director of itCampus.

For who to employ state of the art techniques to know secures the key may economic advantage to be always a piece ahead of the competition.” Software AG, the world’s largest independent provider of infrastructure software for business processes, with 51 per cent majority of itCampus involved participation of software AG in the Jubilee year as of April 1, 2009. Ten years after the establishment of the company the entry of itCampus Software AG is an important development step. Through this commitment we are enables, now all over the world to bring our solutions. The entry of software AG highlights the high efficiency of our research and development team and is a strong signal for the entire IT site in Central Germany at the same time”, itCampus – CEO Dr. Andreas Lassmann. Since then leads itCampus not only software AG company known the claim, but also the addition of a”in the name and sends up to now not only in Europe, but all over the world to show the flag. Note to the media: want the anniversary summer festival, on June 24, 2009, 17 Watch, in Leipzig, nun Street 42 (Headquarters itCampus) editorially support? Then you register in advance by phone 0341-4 92 87 19 or by E-Mail at. ItCampus itCampus software – and Systemhaus GmbH is an innovative software developer with international connections to science and research. founded in 1999 in Halle and Leipzig, the company has today its own offices in Germany, United Kingdom, of Switzerland, Italy, Austria and the Slovakia. itCampus offers its customers Europe-wide communications solutions, consulting and individual solutions in the areas of software development and software ergonomics. The intelligent telecommunications solutions named ELSBETH are among the core business. They are employed in call and contact centers and communications-intensive enterprises. Since April 1, 2009, the software AG as a majority shareholder of itCampus is involved. Software AG is the world’s largest independent provider of business infrastructure software.,