Developed mannering psychology in the North America was taken for the Europe and there, as in Guarechi says to them (2007, p.25) was elaborated true ' ' Plan Marshal Acadmico' ' so that social psychology in the American molds north had success. Thanks to the scientists as Moscovici, that questioned the capacity of this psychology to take care of the necessities of the social one, these attempts had not invigorated. The colonized paper of of the Latin American countries, took the importation of the model of predominant social psychology in the North America, since according to Farr, 1996, apud Bernardes, 2010, the famous professors of social psychology in Latin America had made its courses of graduation in the United States, example of this was Aroldo Rodrigues, the great representative of cognitivista social psychology in Brazil. In the years of 1960 appears the Latin American Association of social psychology (Alapso), created in the rules of social psychology north? American. ator. In I reject to the Alapso and looking a psychology with position critical and adjusted the reality of the American countries Latin she is that the movements appear that would result in partner-historical social psychology. This reaction to traditional psychology and its concepts that were not applied to Latin American reality, took to the call ' ' crisis of psychology social' ' , it is that it took body in the Congresses of the Inter-American Society of Psychology in 1976, in Miami in the United States, and Rasp in Peru, 1979. According to Bernardes: As main points of the crisis of social psychology, they were the metodolgica theoretical dependence, mainly of the United States, the descontextualizao of the boarded subjects, the simplification and the superficiality of the analyses of these subjects, the individualizao of the social one in social psychology, as well as not the concern politics with the social relations in the country and Latin America. .