A satisfied guest, who recommend a is gastro rogue thanks to online restaurant review systems in seconds on the collar that is the best advertising for a restaurant. And in the Unkehrschluss: who upset his guests in the long term, can soon make to his shop. Restaurant reviews prevent unpleasant surprises those who would like to go to a restaurant and there experience an unpleasant surprise with regard to the quality of the food or the service. How do you know whether a restaurant is good, whether the food tastes, the operation is friendly or whether the hygiene is observed? There are so-called restaurant guide or restaurant critic. They reveal not only interesting information about a restaurant, but judge the quality of food and service. Most restaurant leaders while confined to restaurants of a country or a particular region. The most famous are the Michelin Guide, aimed only at (almost) perfectly guided gourmet Temple and this one to three star gives as well as the Gault-Millau guide, the world’s leading restaurant guide, which uses a point system from 0 to 20 (or 1 to four hoods).

Both appear once a year. Also be found at many regional newspapers as well as magazines restaurant reviews. But also online there are a series of restaurant guides, which offer every visitor, now to assess individual restaurants themselves and to share this review with others. Online Guide are different in the advantage of the large number of reviews clearly people who enter into these online guides, get a relatively objective impression of the actual state of the locality. Very different may be the result at a tasting conducted only once, performed usually by the printed restaurant guides, where a trained food critic visited the restaurant depending on whether he caught a good or bad day when cooking or staff time. Also, online restaurant guide can respond much more quickly to deviations and changes and are therefore much current as their only once in the printed counterparts that year.