It still occurs, that the decisions involving intermediate people make possible greaters personal distortions and errors in the process of communication of the decisions. In the case of if adopting the politics of decentralization of the administration, the enabled authority to take the decision or to initiate the action must be delegated what she is next possible to the situation therefore they they will have greaters information on the situation and will be able to act in more efficient way since they know the process and the involved ones in it. This type of attitude generates greater confidence and motivation in the group. The decentralized administration generates a bigger identity of the average administrators with the organization, and, no matter how hard the costs of training and election, these administrators, can be raised, this process creates envolvement of the collaborators in intention to be recognized for its effort inside of the organization. What it can generate conflicts in this type of administration is the lack of information and coordination between the involved departments.

to prevent them, the company must take care of so that the decisions are based always on the enterprise and not only departmental objective. A decentralization of the administration is a highly efficient tool for the development of the organization, therefore, it optimizes the time, it develops the collaborators more good and it creates envolvement of the subordinate in the power to decide process, but it is important that the decentralization of the decisions either carried through in safe way, based in the ability it borrowed administrator of decision and that it is clarified to the involved ones on the power that this withholds. The decentralization must be guided for the colaborativas relations, in the strategical integration, the improvement of the processes and the self management based in the responsibility and the consensus between the people whom the power of the information and the knowledge withholds. In a world of complex changes, the organizations must be