Tag: geography

Curricular Parameters

University of the State of So Paulo society has passed for diverse changes, is economic, social, cultural they or politics, reflecting significantly in the Education, thus, inside of this context, the education of Geography meets, that also is reached by these transformations, therefore looks for to take care of to the necessities of the most varied layers of the society, reflecting regarding contents and the methods of education. Learn more about this with Reebok. According to Cavalcanti, Particularly, pertaining to school Geography has looked for to think its paper about this society in change, indicating new contents, reaffirming others, reatualizando some others, questioning conventional methods, claiming new methods. (2002. P. 11). The Movement of Renewal of Geography in the end of the decade of 1970 is considered as initial landmark in Brazil, of the innovations in the metodolgicos processes of pertaining to school Geography.

Exactly with such reforms it did not have the significant advance that one expected in the education of Geography. It is basic, inside of the education of Geography, as in excessively, reflections on the abilities of orientation, localization, cartographic representation and reading of maps are developed throughout the formation of the pupils. The cartography contents help to approach the subjects geographic s (National Curricular Parameters) as transversal because of its analysis to interdisciplinar, being that this if evidences from the moment that the subject environment is observed in the set disciplines of them and the contribution that each one of them offers for the same. The main focus of the object of study of Geography is the geographic space, therefore it is about our resultant reality of our actions and so that this happens it is necessary that the people develop a espacialidade perception. In this context the school has the paper to work this knowledge. Thus, Straforini (2005) points queO paper of the Education, and inside of this, of the education of Geography is to bring to tona the necessary conditions for the evidenciao of the contradictions of the society from the space, so that in its agreement and clarification a inconformismo can appear> e, from there, one another possibility for the condition of the existence human being.

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Technological Advances

The technological advances and the new social conditions impose continuous changes in the way them transports and the necessary controls for its good functioning. However, the difficulties of financing on the part of the public treasure, the lesser economic growth, the civil wars and the natural calamities contribute for the weak development of the transports, and for its successive problems that they come across themselves where we will go to sign up after that: 6,1 Railroad problems of transport. Fraca density of the railroads; Elevados investments in the maintenance and functioning of the system railroad worker; Grande dependence in relation to the neighboring countries (South Africa and Zimbabwe); Descarrilamentos; taken Sabotagem the handle for the neighboring populations; Textura of the ground; Curvas pressed; Problemas of traffic flow; Problemas in the commercial speed; Os itinerary is fixed; (Xitimela Maputo, 1996). 6,2 Road problems of transport. Congestionamento of the traffic; Maior index of pollution due the release of carbon monoxide (CO), that they exceed the vast limit of 8 ppm (small molecular particles); sonorous Poluio in great ratios; Dispendioso when one is about long distances; Salvat library, great Subject S/D 6,3 maritime Problems of transport. very slow.

the overflow of merchandises and passengers Exigem. Fraca load capacity. A scarcity of cabotage ships; Limitaes of space and constant delay of sending and reception of merchandises Salvat Library, great Subject S/D 7. COMPLEMENTARIDADE OF the TRANSPORTS the transports continue to be a way to answer the necessities of displacement of populations and its activities as in the centers problems are generated with high frequency derived from one strong search on the net of transport whose the expansion if finds each time more conditional enters the remaining use of the ground, for the opposite, the areas of low density, generally conotadas as periphery, they present a lesser density of nets, and also of some scarcity of it offers of chances if comparative with the previous ones becoming the attractive territories in this way it saw if that the complementaridade was important since it complements other.

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NASA Covering

For New (1992) remote sensoriamento it is the use of sensors for the acquisition of information on objects or phenomena without it has direct contact between them. This work had as objective to analyze the evolution of the different types of use of the land and the vegetal covering of the basin of the stream Joo Days, throughout the years of 1965 the 2000, evaluating the influence of the antrpico use in the way. The hidrogrfica basin of the stream Joo Days, sub-basin of the River Aquidauana, is one of the main tributaries of the Basin of Alto Paraguay (BAP). The main canal of the draining of the stream Joo Days is born in the mount of Saint Brbara, in the mountain range of Maracaj, pertaining lands to the Aldeamento of the Green Lemon, of the Terena tribe, in the city of Aquidauana. The area of the hidrogrfica basin is of approximately 113,3 km2, understood between latitudes south of 2018' 19' ' 2028' 21' ' the longitudes west of 5538' 55' ' 5548' 54' ' (GALVAN, et al. 2006). The used metodolgicos procedures had consisted initially in bibliographical, iconographic and cartographic the survey of materials related to the area in question.

For the extration of the referring information to the types of use and vegetal covering gifts in the basin had consisted of analyze appearance of images proposal for New (2008). For confection of the letter of use of the land and vegetal covering of the year of 1965, it was used of the Aquidauana leaf (SF-21-X-A-III), gotten next to Federal University of Mato Grosso of the South? UFMS.A letter was digitalizada way to scanner of inserted table and in environment SPRING 5,0 where it was proceeded vetorizao from the mapeadas classrooms. Of the letter of use of the land and the vegetal covering of the year of 2000 if it supported in the image of satellite LANDSAT-7 ETM+, gotten gratuitously I besiege in it of NASA (), already corrected geometrically and in colorful composition rgb 742.

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Santa Catarina

This arbitrator, generally is a head of State or government, neutral in relation to the territorial dispute which goes to decide. What Rio Branco said, is that in the case of the question of the Acre, to go in that chance to an arbitral award, the Brazilian arguments they would be very fragile so that we could obtain a favorable decision of the arbitrator. Fact that Brazil, already had obtained for performance of Rio Branco, in the case of limits involving the call Territory of the Missions, located between Rio Grande Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paran and Argentina, whose survey in this dispute was exerted by President Norte-americano Grover Cleveland in 1895. also, in the case involving then the territory of the Amap, disputed for the France, and whose survey fit to the Federal government of the Switzerland, that in the year of 1900, 1 of December, it delivered its arbitral award to the representatives of Brazil and France, regarding the dispute in the Territory of the Amap, that was favorable to Brazil. However, with regard to the Acre, in accordance with Treated the woollen Peace to Ayacucho of 1867, and also, a map of 1860, both the documents of the period of the Empire, granted Bolivia, sovereignty on a good part of the Acre territory; this treating, was granted by the Empire to Bolivia, in reason of this, to be in that chance exerting territorial pressures on the Brazilian Government. Motivated for the conflict of the War of Paraguay.

In accordance with this treating, Brazil recognized in part those lands (of the Acre), as being bolivian. the related map of 1860, the call green map, confectioned for Duarte Da Ponte Ribeiro – Baron Da Ponte Ribeiro, confirmed this bolivian sovereignty. Therefore, he is that in a decision for survey, the possibilities of a victory in the Acre dispute, would be minimum for Brazil.

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Minas Gerais

The data raised for the IBAMA point that in 2006 they had been registered 37% of road accidents of origin, in 2007? 23.5%, 2008 had been registered 34.1% and a 2009 increase of 37% in relation to the year of 2008. Of this form, the road transport of dangerous chemical products becomes important to stand out the potentiality of the effective registers of accidents being involved becoming necessary, therefore, of studies capable to espacializar the concentration of these occurrences being aimed at taken of action. From this estimated, one longs for the mapping and analysis of the space distribution of accidents due to the road transport of dangerous products in Minas Gerais, on the basis of the registers of the IBAMA for years of 2006 the 2009, with intention to analyze the space distribution of the accidents being involved the transport of dangerous products in the state of Minas Gerais. Moreover, objective to identify the main types of accident, types of involved products in the accidents registered for the state of Minas Gerais, giving emphasis to the cities of bigger occurrence. To identify the main types of accident, types of involved products in the accidents registered for the state of Minas Gerais, giving emphasis to the cities of bigger occurrence. 2? JUSTIFICATION the accidents involving transport of dangerous products represent risk for the health of people, public security and the environment. Ademais, the ONU, through the Ambient Program of United Nations (United Nations Environmental Programme – UNEP, 1995), evidenced that one of the great problems of the developing countries is the infrastructure lack for the conduction of emergency, in the case of incidents with dangerous chemical products to guarantee the security of the public and the environment. Ahead of the displayed one, it is justified empregabilidade of studies directed the thematic one of the occurrence of the accidents that involve road transport of dangerous products, in intention to distribute space such occurrences in the state of Minas Gerais, being aimed at involved contribution from the analysis of the main types of accidents and products, mainly in the cities of bigger incidence. .

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