Tag: society and culture

Youth Adolescent

The program also has for objective assists it the family in the search of adequate services that can supply its necessities and of the adolescent; the attainment of a psicossocial diagnosis of the family, in the direction to facilitate the understanding of the adolescent in attendance; to propitiate to responsible a consequence on the particular and singular questions. The half-freedom is the fifth measure foreseen in article 120 of the ECA, is about a coercitive measure, therefore it moves away the adolescent from the familiar and communitarian conviviality, however, without restringiz it total of its right to go and to come. In the definition of Liberati, apud Oliveira (2003) defines that: … for semifreedom, as regimen and politics of attendance, understands that measure partner-educative destines it adolescent infractors that work and study during the day and the night a specialized entity is collected it. The internment elencada in article 121 of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent is had finishes it of the partner-educative measures, ' ' it constitutes privative measure of freedom, it subjects to the principles of brevity, excepcionalidade and respect the peculiar condition of people in desenvolvimento' '. Tavares (1999) presents that: She is most severe of the established partner-educative measures in the Statute.

It deprives the adolescent of its physical freedom? right to go and to come? the will … the adolescent will be able to work and to study outside of the establishment where it is collected, if not to offer to danger the public security or its proper incolumidade, as multicriteria evaluation of the team interprofissional that assessor the Justice of Infancy and Youth. On the basis of this context, when the subject is the ressocializao of the adolescent in conflict with the law, Barroso Son (2001) guides that he is ' ' important that let us have conscience of that, to treat and to recoup the adolescent infractor it implies, necessarily, in treating and recouping the family of this young, so that let us can rescue it as useful element sociedade' '.

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Christian Dior

In this manner we can affirm that the cultivation was born from the confrontation between the culture, recognized as illness, and the youthful vision, whose natural instinct is for the health. the sources that if fundiram for the sprouting and the formation of the cultivation, are of distinct origins, but they run for one same intention that is the freedom desire. V. the FASHION OF YEARS 60 With the Europe recovering of the scarcity and the privations of the years of postwar period, on both sides of the Atlantic what it was seen was an adolescent market in growth. This increasing prosperity gave beginning to the society of ' ' descartvel' ' of the consumerism. The volume of new collections grew wildly and the trends were launched with an incredible rapidity. In middle of the Sixties, the fashion left of being created exclusively by parisienses sewers, but yes dictated for a group of new estilistas of London.

The fashion left of being exclusiveness only of the individuals of raised social classroom and was concentrated in the young medium of street. The revolutionary part that would mark this decade in the world of the fashion with certainty was the minissaia, that arrived at the height of the thigh. The parisienses houses if kept, however gradually high-it sews gave space prt–porter, to the measure that the costs if raised to size due to the intense work in done models and who could pay for them diminuam. Predominant the aesthetic image still loaded obtains great influence of the fashion that preceded the time. Without great eccentricities, Christian Dior continued to create parts that possuam its characteristics successfully. Example of this, was the layer of the Magazine Teams in March of 1957. After seven months of its publication, Dior died, suddenly, passing its legacy for its precocious Yves Saint Laurent assistant, who with only 21 years of age was managing artistic per three years and took the house for more youthful styles.

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