Tag: today


The compromise should not vary Serafin Alarcon makes little time that I remove my secular job to devote time full to the Ministry. After so many years of an itinerary, a ponchador and a Chief slave waiting for me scared me perhaps entering a less structured life. Now it is different, there is a boss or a ponchador, but this Dios No puedo dejar de honor him, is what I always say when I face the day. Brian Krzanich oftentimes addresses this issue. Honoring each of the blessings he has given me and seize the time sovereignly by me to be administered. I know that at this stage of my life I must serve others in ways they could not when he worked on time complete to the world. I know, and I’m aware that only this is the so-called. If I leave my being open to God’s direction, I find so many ways to serve, help and contribute to a society increasingly devoid of brotherly love and peace and I say, there can be no greater blessing for a human being do, that live doing what you really like. Always want to write and that I do almost every day, always want some way to express some ideas and feelings through art and with the tablitas that urgency is fully satisfied.

Preach, communicate the good news and even record the preaching is a new facet that not even I imagined. And finally, carry the tablitas Street, take them to so many communities that I walked and the passion that I experience is unmatched. The best thing is that they are tasks in which I am interested, talk to a confined and writing in several forums of the Web gives an unexpected perspective to the Ministry. My wife and I began to unite us even more because the experience is for the whole family, there begins the effectiveness of the Ministry. Cults, children, devotional at home, Bible study, have not done anything that add blessing to our home. Every day we discover new forms and practical ways of living the Christian faith and the Gospel from a Christ-centered perspective. A life free of religious, free from paint and hood eagerness, you understand me I understood that only by the light of God, I can walk into my future unknown with faith and hope.

I am confident that he will continue to guide me by all the trails that I needed to walk. I know that the commitment is now greater, I know that I need to be punctual and responsible like when was employed by man. If the compromise should not vary.

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Frankfurt Public

A friend with malevolent vitriol tells me that Francisco Camps should be on Canal Nou template, as it appears on screen more than any regional TV presenter. I don’t know if that’s true, because I do not have any minutaje confirming it. Still less can I set comparison to TV-3, Euskal Telebista or TVG, but I guess that Montilla, Patxi Lopez or Nunez Feijoo also enjoy a good time with media exposure. And that, of course, with taxpayers ‘ money, because all public broadcasters of this country are generously deficit. The only important autonomy that does not have a public channel in the strict sense is Castilla y Leon. There, the President agreed with the two biggest regional entrepreneurs of communication, Mendez Pozo and Jose Luis Ulibarri none of these little angels, under their respective biographies that unite their stations private in a unique regional channel, with a contract program with the Board. The resulting television continues, therefore be informal, but at least leaves them cheaper at citizens and offers greater impartiality from political power. The truth is that the proliferation of channels public in this country, is not understood as there is for the exaltation of the ruling party in turn.

The law who implanted them in 1983 required of them respect for political, religious, social, cultural and linguistic pluralism of each community, all which has been violated systematically. If, in addition, the regional television were born to protect the vernacular languages, what it is that they also exist in the Canary Islands, Extremadura and Murcia? And, in the case of Canal Nou, how feels the defence of Valencian with political debates made by journalists who came ex profeso from Madrid to expenses paid? It is true that not only our regional TV, but all, cost the Treasury an annual paston exceeding the freezing of pensions, for example. But someone is? you think its possible privatization? Neither of cona. The recurring feints in that sense of Esperanza Aguirre or Ruiz-Gallardon are nothing more than smokescreens. The same thing happened in his day when Eduardo Zaplana promised to award to third-party information services: everything was in water of Borage. I’ve recently been in Frankfurt with other colleagues of the Coso Foundation, visiting public television ZDF. And already seen: in the country in Europe with the largest audiovisual public sector, there is nowhere near something so deficit as our autonomous channels; three hours of daily sleep worth so each lander citizens feel informed enough about what happens in their region. And that Germany is a federal state that many of our nationalists propose as a panacea.

Here, on Canal Nou, it isn’t just that the case Gurtel has had less informative treatment than some gastronomic days, or that live broadcasts by the emergence of hostile placards to the Consell are cut. The worst thing is that its debt has now reached the 1.1 billion, that to every Valencian public television cost us EUR 220 per year, RTVV takes in paying its suppliers more than 15 months and that losses for the last financial year were 278 million. What a shame, to finish by today, that having such magnificent professionals the very best that there is in the community, by so many issues outside them are so untapped! That, and other things, we must keep talking later.

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International Herald Tribune

A ghost can be seen in the bleak horizon of the global financial and economic crisis: the ghost of fascism. The ghost of the totalitarian temptation, embodied by the demons of racism, xenophobia, nationalism and populism. Disabuse us, fascism is not dead. The Party of death of black savagery, signed by the judges of the International Tribunal of Nurnberg, was limited to put outside the law to the German nazis and their accomplices and direct and indirect collaborators of Adolfo Hitler. Although we will not fit doubt that today not the conditions for the resurgence of a Hitlerian cutting regime, we must not rule out the possibility of confrontations and conflicts of another kind, able to lead to new forms of intolerance. The historian Ian Kershaw, author of the book Hitler, the Germans and the final solution, recently claimed that the instability that has been taking over the modern world clearly reflects the malaise that prevails in several countries, unable to close the wounds of the conflicts of the 20th century. In an article published in the International Herald Tribune, Kershaw recalls that Hitler came to power following the rules of the democratic system. To conquer the Germans, background played the trump card of the frustration and resentment caused by the military defeat of 1918 and the accentuated situation of helplessness that affected the countries of the old continent in the 20s and 30s of the last century years. Kershaw detects new symptoms of intolerance in Russia, Germany, Serbia and Venezuela, citing the populism of Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez, racist nationalism of Slobodan Milosevic and aggressions perpetrated by German nazis neo factions against the Turkish community in Germany. On the other hand, should remember that prolific and radical movements anti-establishment, generators of new forms of intolerance, knew how to take advantage of the disturbing symptoms of structural weakness of the Western democracies.

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Creating Trust

Anyone who has as I dream of forming a business on the web, work online, to have their own website and thereby to obtain income to improve their quality of life generally focuses on obtaining sales with products, either themselves or through an affiliate program promoting other people products. After a time in which we begin to generate income noticed that webmasters who actually have success online are those that are known by the majority of users interested in a particular niche, and of course internet Marketing is no exception to the rule. It is then when they come into play phrases such as creating lists of subscribers, Personal branding, etc. Therefore we noticed after the experience that the best technique is to start from the beginning online, from the first moment in which we began to create our sites or products; begin to create our brand staff, in other words to create our tab online, our credibility, create confidence in users who visit us. Clear how everything on the internet there are ways of doing things correctly, there are techniques, processes that we have to take into account if we want to move forward with a firm step. Currently on the web we have one of the best courses, which was created by a latina webmaster of popularity for those who are in line for some time and it was done following the experiences of thousands of entrepreneurs, it is Carla Delgado and for me it is a great taste submit this to you since I’m convinced of the usefulness of its course creates your Personal branding.

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Benefits Of The Networker System

These are the benefits and much more than be in the * Sisteme Networker * Networker system your business to the next level takes your business to the next level not follow will to your prospects-Atraelos what is essential. Basic tutorials on computer. Basic internet tutorials.Networker system is actually Affiliate Marketing but many times more effective. Do you seem to make multiple sales to the same customer, including a solid residual income (month to month) with any extra effort? The Networker system is a marketing machine well-oiled which does everything for you, explains, sells and trains for future replication, on autopilot. It is to make marketing highly efficient, using the power of capture pages, building lists, follow-up autoresponders, personal branding (positioning as an expert) and other techniques that help you build a highly profitable income even if you’re a complete newbie and you’re just learning. 2.-Domain.

How to buy your domain at Godaddy. Also: Page capture. Tips and tricks for use the capture pages creation tool…(What you will find within the system Networker) Course three introduction generation of traffic tutorials about generation of traffic: pay per click (PPC) Marketing with articles advertising in social media Facebook, Twitter, Youtube tools of promotion system Networker uses the tools to get traffic and referrals to your page from the Networker system. Make sure you apply the information and strategies you learned in training to obtain better results faster. You can promote the Networker system and earn income.

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