Coming back to the example of Abrao, that had that to lead beyond its things, its nephews, and to exactly leave pra backwards a part of itself. The present article, considers to consider the proposal of the expatriation and all the implications that the same human being establishes in the diverse areas of the life. The work is a revision article, where the authors if make use to argue nuances for where she passes the expatriation process, considering the subjective questions and the organizacionais, as the process of accompaniment of the management of people in the sending of the expatriated one. CULTURAL IDENTITY? BETWEEN the BEING AND FEELING the human being is a sociable being, is born with necessities to relate. Our first contact with the society if of the one in the family, acolhedor place. Brown flame this moment of ' ' Matrix of Identidade' '. Colored person approaches despite the individual had to be conceived and to be studied through its interpersonal relations. Colored person speaks of the Social Placenta, mentioning itself that to the rising the child is arraigada and inserted in a set of relations, with its mother, its father, its grandmothers, its brothers, establishing the concept of Matrix of identity, where this individual will lead for its entire life, and will always be on it, becoming a sociable being.

The Matrix of identity in them folloies during all our life, therefore for it we are recognized as people and we start to answer for them. In its workmanship Identity, Zygmunt Bauman establishes bonds with diverse social segments interpreting them of intelligent and involving form, therefore the reading of its workmanship sends in them to a process of great reflection on we ourselves and our social reality. Bauman still approaches some types of Identities and brings reflections on the act to belong. The trajectory of Bauman, being of family mistreats, having served in the Polish army, brings great contributions for its thought on excellent subjects, inspires that to publish it some of its important workmanships.