Tag: energy

Republic Marketing

BWE Conference wind energy financing and direct marketing the concept of comfort zone, these days used for wind energy financing, must not obscure the fact, that one thought through every wind energy project and required solid calculated wind park funding. At the enthusiasm on the faces of long-awaited instructions, the otherwise so crucial test of income opportunities device sometimes his place out of sight. Here mainly projects in the southern region will need to prove. You can prove your potential with wind measurements and the selection of the correct equipment. Unquestionably, a model of success is the introduction of wind energy of direct marketing. MetLife will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The desired learning effects were positive hit: just in terms of the forecast quality show significant progress.

Wind energy marketers bundle meteorological information and technical specifications of the system availability and optimize mathematical models of price modeling. All of this leads to a much better single dining prognosis not only the Balance balancing costs lower for the wind energy marketers, but also an important contribution for the predictive and controllable power supply which is Republic. The technical basis for this is located in the remote control of wind power plants. This is driven by the 6 EEG already implemented, must be balanced but now. Cause: Not only the network operator, also the wind energy marketers want access now the plants. Here, the communication needs to be improved; also the wind energy from an industry-standard control system hoped lighter votes and reduced costs. Whether this successfully initiated learning effects can be further developed, depends of the size of the management premium.

These should be potentially lowered to relieve the EEG assessment. Renewable energy associations urging a cautious approach: such an important decision requires a solid foundation of data, which hoped the industry especially by the BMU monitoring report. Against this background the Bundesverband WindEnergie organized “Conference on wind energy financing and direct marketing” on 8-9 October 2012 in Dusseldorf. Optimized forms of the appraisal as well as the risk management as the basis of wind energy financing are presented by experienced experts as the perspective development of the wind energy direct marketing for a secure power supply and economic operation of wind energy.

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Environmental Zones Soon Become Obsolete?

Air pollutants and organic particulate matter avoidable to avoid air pollutants and organic particulate matter or supposed Dreckschleudern”to banish from the city centers is not the only way to improve the air quality in urban areas may be. A relatively new for Europe solution comes from the laboratories of the nanotechnologist. The magic bullet is based on photo-feedstocks titanium dioxide. So are coated surfaces able to decompose harmful nitrogen oxides and organic particulate matter in the air with this material. This is possible by photo-catalytic reaction, the using of light called Hydroxilradikale are formed, that decompose by your responsiveness as well as all air pollutants. Incidentally, such coated surfaces are also self-cleaning and antibacterial greatly. A property that is used in interiors even for air disinfection in the sense of active flu prevention, because even viruses, fungi, and bacteria have no chance at the new coating.

Serious investigations and studies in Japan and Italy have shown that square has about 100 m coated facade surface the same air purifying effect as seven mature deciduous trees. In Germany the new coating is available recently under the brand name TitanShield, first companies offer the coating of all surfaces with the new material as a service. But the industry has recognized the benefits of the new technology. Coated roof tiles, tiles and concrete blocks are already with photo feedstocks titanium dioxide on the market. Sure a good way, because the so-coated components cleaned not only itself, but also a good piece contribute to improving our air quality.

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Citizens For Climate Protection: Cologne Carrotmob Enters The Second Round

This coming Saturday, consumers in Cologne reward bakery for climate-friendly commitment / go 100 percent of its revenues in energy-saving renovation of the shop Berlin, July 22, 2010. On Saturday, the 24th of July, a Carrotmob takes place in Cologne. The citizens are the focus. Can help you with a purchase in the bakery Schweitzer in the honor box belt 151, to protect the climate: the shop owner, Mr Schweitzer, has promised to invest its total daily trading volume in the climate-friendly restructuring of its business. “So that even the most efficient measures are implemented, the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment has climate seeks protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) provided an energy consultant. We support car red mobs throughout Germany, because here quite specifically energy-saving measures are initiated. Also the first Cologne showed Carrotmob, where in April around 3,000 euro for the renewal of the lighting system and the replacement of the chiller in a fruit and Grocery store were used.

So every year more than two tons of CO2 can be avoided”, Steffi sour Ballesteros says project manager seeking protection from climate. The second Carrotmob action energy consultants noted in the bakery Schweitzer, that there are significant potential savings especially in the heat recovery and the refrigeration. The amount of revenue so the use of Cologne citizens decides how many measures are actually implemented on the end. So does a Carrotmob a Carrotmob is the positive counterpart of the boycott: the Carrotmob are climate-friendly businesses rewarded based on a simple concept and punished not the climate enemy. So, it creates a positive incentive which causes more than threatening sanctions.

Participants of the car red mob organized primarily over the Internet with the help of blogs, the Internet service Twitter and online forums. You date at a specific date in a specific business, to jointly buy. The name Carrotmob ” figuratively for a donkey who is enticed and led to a certain target with the carrot. The shops and markets to join are animated according to this principle: for the Carrotmob the business that is ready to employ the highest proportion of revenues for climate protection is usually awarded. Balance sheet: Protecting targeted consumer climate in Germany the first Carrotmob launched in June 2009 in Berlin in the role. Since then, there was another car red mobs in Munich, Bonn, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne and Bremen in Germany. So far, the actions of energy-saving measures have initiated will prevent in the future more than 95 tons of CO2 per year. In addition, the visitors are motivated by their targeted shopping, to remain active and to save energy in your own four walls. At home, the interactive energy advisor on help save energy. About the co2online non-profit GmbH the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH is committed to reducing the a climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science and policy, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. “” “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de), the heating level campaign “(www.heizspiegel.de), the pumps campaign” (www.sparpumpe.de) and the Energiesparclubs “(www.energiesparclub.de). All campaigns promoted by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Amateur Steffi sour Rauf co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-15 email:

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Environmental Destruction Costs Up To $4.5 Trillion According To Study

Afforestation and sustainable forest management benefit the economic damage caused by the destruction of the global environment and the consequent loss of species particularly changes amount to up to $ 4.5 trillion. The current study “The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity”, in their preparation for the United Nations Environment Programme, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) worked with Nations (UNEP) comes to this conclusion. The dependencies of the economic development of the biodiversity are varied. So, for example, insects by pollination of plants produce annually worth an estimated up to $190 billion. But as politics, society, and especially companies perceive hardly the economic importance of the environment.

Many companies have not yet realized, that the loss of biodiversity has a direct impact on supply, demand and hence costs, prices and yields of their products”, commented Barbara Wieler, senior sustainability services of PwC. The study on the costs due to environmental degradation and the income due to environmental protection can under be downloaded. Environmental destruction costs, environmental protection brings sustainable income: environmental degradation refers to the permanent destruction of the natural habitat. Companies that understand the conservation of biodiversity as a business task, can benefit economically from their commitment. The study shows that the protection of biodiversity in the future will gain enormous economic importance? So, it is predicted that trading volume will increase by five billion to 15 billion US dollars by 2020 with certified wood from sustainable forestry. Another growth area watch experts in emission trading: the reforestation of forests will bring up to the year 2020 possible revenues of more than $ 10 billion through the sale of CO2 certificates. Experts evaluate the deforestation of the rain forest as the most Umweltzerstorungs theme, because the rain forest for climate and species preservation of crucial importance is. So is the destruction of the rain forest over 20 percent responsible for climate change.

Also, it is estimated that nearly 75 percent of all plant and animal species in the rainforest live. The prevention of environmental degradation through rainforest preservation is so existentially important for humanity. Prevent with FSC certified reforestation environmental destruction: the Bonn ForestFinance group plants according to strict ecological guidelines Brach – and grazing areas in the tropics and cultivated this year evidenced by external bodies, environment-friendly and sustainable. The resulting forests are rich mixed forests, which offer a high degree of biological diversity as opposed to monocultures. Even after harvesting a species-rich forest remains, which meets all ecological functions, because never operated a complete demolition. This ecological forestry reducing the case pressure on the surviving rainforest, because it will increase the supply of tropical Woods. Rain forest and thus the destruction of the environment are prevented as sustainable. ForestFinance creates also through its sustainable forestry permanent jobs for the local population. About ForestFinance: ForestFinance specializes in forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Savers can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. When the BaumSparVertrag is for 33 euros per month depending on a hardwood tree planted and maintained. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. WoodStockInvest – is for investors who wish to reforest at least 10,000 m2, with the possibility of the land register entry – the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in an organic cacao plantation and exotic woods, which already offers annual distributions from the second year of the investment. For more information, see.

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