Tag: personal development

Cultivating The Seed Of The Success

In this article, I will speak on as to sow ideas of success and prosperity in the subconscious mind in such a way to force to react it in favorable way being created a new destination, full of accomplishments pra you. In first place, it would like in accordance with to remember it that you are always creating its way through its way to face the world, its msticas, philosophical and religious conceptions. If everything is well with you, excellent. Wanting or not, you propitiated a fertile land for this. In case that contrary, you in the hour to remake the plantation of the good seeds that you want to see to germinate, to grow, to blossom and to give good fruits. See more detailed opinions by reading what Barclays offers on the topic.. He knows that to create a new destination he will be something as to cultivate a new garden, more beautiful vigorous in the yard of its house. Of pra simply not to select the seeds of its favourite flowers and to leave planting in the chosen place, without all is made a previous reorganization of the ground.

If you simply to launch the seeds to the ground poor, compact and dominated by harmful grass, probably its flowers will be suffocated and verwhelmed. Obviously, you need to clean the land of the harmful grass there gifts, to dig the land and to add fertilizing material. The same well-taken care of if he applies to the seeds of the success: to make them to grow you need to eliminate the planted harmful grass in the subconscious mind, kept for negative standards. He removes the planted seeds undesirable for inserted limitantes ideologies in its mental and emotional standard. He cleans the old energy that makes to perpetuate ackward events in its experience of life. Fertilize the land of its imagination, persisting in a positivista position philosophical, believing that its life can and must be abundant, creative and happy. It liberates its mind of fears, traumas and of all the unhappy memories through a powerful position to feel that you have the power to remodel its destination.

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The employees will not carry through the work correctly. The risk of the employees exists to make better of what the proper Leader. They will be able to imagine that it (the Leader) does not have enough work. Its employees are inexperienced and not motivated. He does not trust its collaborators. Its team it does not possess the vision of all. Not of the one for ' ' segurar' ' the errors of the others.

The fear of that he will not be more ' ' indispensvel' '. It observes that the reasons above are all of strict personal matrix, not having nothing to see with the size of the organization or the degree of the given service. On the other hand, companies exist where any employee who is boarded for the customer with some type of problem, immediately this collaborator if becomes the responsible one for the solution and still he has a stipulated financial limit for such. Optimum of everything this is that the problem is decided without memoranda, meetings or the envolvement of any Manager. At the beginning, some directors of these organizations believed that this new rule would take the company the bankruptcy and, for surprise of all they, the time of resolution of problems fell, the degree of satisfaction of the customers went up, the organizacional climate improved significantly and new units had been created to give account of the increase of the sales.

At last, with the power directed toward the tips, related organizations the customers had grown and if happy fidiciary offices had become more and. Ahead of this, the organizations must understand that the Empowerment comes from top to bottom and the maximum Leader must have the clear vision of that ' ' war for cliente' ' it happens is in ' ' ponta' ' of its company and not in the offices with conditional air, leather armchair and carpet. We must remembering in them that the problem is of personal order e, therefore, becomes necessary contracts? or to form? Controlling that are human, imperfect and that they do not have fear of ' ' sombra' '. Human beings, because they must have the conscience of that they will not have the control of everything. Imperfects tense, because its commanded some times will make that it better. Not to have fear of shade, therefore indispensable is that one that leaves vacation, disconnect the cellular one and the customer is thankful. Being thus, when the tip has the power surplus more time leadership to think the strategy of the organization and, as Henri Ford said, &#039 to it; ' to think is the work more weighed perhaps than it exists and either for this that exists so little person dedicated to this tarefa' '.

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They had pursued if me will also pursue, you. But they will make everything this because of me, because they had not believed the Envoy of the Father. But, courage, I vendi the world. will also win it. Your victory on the world is yours f' ' , the free and firm adhesion to the values of the Kingdom of God and practical its in an ethical life. In short, to walk in the ways of the Spirit is to be faithful to the alliance of God with us and dons of each human being, image and similarity of the Creator.

The terms of the alliance explicitam dons that we receive from the Creator: they are light that illuminates without conditioning our free decisions. For this, we can choose contrary ways to dons. In any in case that, we are responsible for decisions that collaborate or boycott the salvfico project of God. Well-being of the humanity is in our hands. It fits to the partners of the alliance to transform the world into a habitat that signals the presence of Kingdom of God. But, if we decide with egoism, the world will be changedded into the city of the Satan, antipode of the city of God. For this it does not fit to blame God for the disasters of the world, nor to ask for that it transforms into paradise the hell that we create. God sees with sadness the world if injuring.

But, the mission to save it delivered in our hands: ' ' Headquarters fruitful, you multiply you, you full the land, you submit it. As it sent me to the Father, I you sending also. IDE, you announce good the new to all creature. I am with you every day until the end. They had left to nail for all part, acting with them you (not for them), confirming the Word for the signals that acompanhavam' ' Gn 1,28; Jo 20,21; TM 28,18-28; Mc 16,20. The God does not fit to make what he fits in them. So that to pray and to omit

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